16 Things Meme

Jan 07, 2009 02:17

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.

  1. When I was very little, I had a pet rabbit named Sunday Dinner. (My dad named him, I was far too little to be snarky or cynical then)
  2. I own so many books that I could really use a TARDIS library.
  3. My sister and I call each other Moose Face. No idea why, or even when we started this!
  4. I have been to the Sistine Chapel twice, and would love to go again.
  5. Every year I buy Joseph Tomelleri’s Trout of North America Calendar (It is hanging up at work right now!)
  6. I used to play the violin. (but not particularly well)
  7. I want to learn to crochet.
  8. I have 3 goat nephews. (I have lovely people nephews too, but anybody can have those!)
  9. I have all the state quarters in a map of the USA, but I LOATHE all those Lewis & Clark nickels!
  10. I am a sucker for late-night gadget infomercials. Really. I don’t dare watch them!
  11. My favorite opera is Turandot.
  12. I have a collection of cookie cutters. Well, not so much a collection as just a lot of them! A truly scary amount.
  13. I have a fairly large pencil tree that I love that I grew from a very small Home Depot plant.
  14. My hands are exactly like my grandmother’s!
  15. My favorite poem is Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird by Wallace Stevens. There are a lot of almost favorites.
  16. I recently purchased action figures of Nine, Ten, Rose, K-9, and a Dalek. My brother took one look at them and said “You do realize that you are now officially a geek?” His response to my Eleven news: “So I guess this means you’ll be getting another toy.” I corrected him of course. What I will be getting is another collectible action figure!

I don’t think there are 16 LJ users left that have not been tagged for this meme; so if you are reading this & have not done the meme yet, consider yourself tagged!


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