
Jan 08, 2004 22:23

holy monkies.... talk about serious pain! either i am a wimp, or PT really hurts! seriously, this better work i hate the figgin pain! BUT the good news is.... i dont have LUPUS! how exciting! i found out the reason the ensymes in my liver are so high and screwed up ( y they thought i had lupus) was because of a major druge overdose i had almost 3 ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

anonymous January 9 2004, 15:25:53 UTC
"i puked too much and because i have anemia"

"or puke in a bucket cuz we drink too much"

if u were actually anemic, you wouldnt drink that much alcohol.


ha fishielips January 9 2004, 22:18:19 UTC
who ever you are... you obviously dont know the story, so you should keep your mouth shut, i wasnt doing the drinking, i was making a comment to a friend, Its called an inside joke, ever heard of one? gues not, bud out!


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