taking some blogs from myspace &&

Apr 28, 2006 15:33

transplanting them over here. so those of you that don't read the myspace blog can find out what the dealio is.

i did this for courtesy
April 17, 2006
wow. so mike told me not to go onto the quad today. i did go on the quad...i mean i have to go to class!

pictures. poster sized pictures of dead bloody mutilated babies alllll over the place. and they were calling it genocide....GENOCIDE! you know why? because women that have abortions and abotionists hate babies. mmhmm.


so after humanities lecture i made signs of my own and stood out there with them. things like "a woman's life before the fetus. a fetus is not a person." and "it is my body, i have the right to choose" and "i believe in the right to choose" i'm making one tonight that has the subject of this blog on it for tomorrow cause sure as hell...they'll be there tomorrow. i'm looking forward to it. out group was interviewed at least 4 times for the blue banner. we had pictures taken and all that. and people totally supported us. they were glad to have us out there. glad to have us with them. a few dirty looks. i was almost knocked over by this one fat bitch and her boyfriend. they were the mean pro-lifers. the adults we nice. patronizing but nice enough considering we were pretty much right in front of their set up. and the teenagers. yeah they were like 15. one looked 12. trying to tell me that they and the government have the right to choose what we do. and i told them their pictures were bullshit because they weren't physically and scientifically accurate. he told me they were all real. i told him i had an abortion so i think i would know. kelly said that for it to be genocide people would have to be killing nothing but black babies. hahahaha go kelly. one guy actually told elliot when she was trying to make a point to him that his daughter has a bottle of habenero hot sauce that says "pain is good" and that is what they believe. okay so that made him sound totally uneducated and like he was basing his life off a condiment... lol

i don't think they shouldn't be on campus. i think they shouldn't put up those bullshit disgusting photos. it totally distracted me in class. it made me want to be sick. and frankly it made someone that was on the fence about the whole thing decide to be pro-choice. if they want to put their word out there they should use pamphlets and flyers and talk to people when they come up to them. or have a thing in lipinsky like alot of authors and other visitors have. that way people can decide whether they want to be subjected to it.

is said that in the interview. i really hope they use that cause it is a rather good line.

but now i'm dehydrated and sunburnt and my legs feel like jello. so i'm just going to sit here for awhile. lol.

April 18, 2006
ohhhhh goooooooddddddnnnneeeessssssssssssss. ow. my face. i put sunscreen on. and it didn't save my poor face. my poor poor burning searing swollen red face.

i love aloe. and i love ice. and i hope that they help cause i would hate to have to go to the health center for skin poisoning.

SO! today was another eventful, good, interesting day. i went to tai chi and after that i met up with lara for breakfast where we discussed the concept that one of the guys could be a cult member (you should have seen him...seriously lol). and about maybe they have the walkie talkies because they can call for reinforcements if we attack or something....from god. and how funny it would be if they thought they were talking to god on his frequency and they kept bothering this trucker instead. and the trucker yelled back that he wasn't god and that they should leave him the fuck alone...it was a funny conversation.

then we took our posts (just the two of us until about 10:40) out in front of the dead fetus display with our signs. we had a good turn out today. dot sulock (spelling?) was out with us again. i think i might want to try and get her for an advisor for TRUE (the new unofficial name of the group. it means "the road to understanding empowerment" it isn't set in stone but it's cool). JT is doing things like public relations and tshirts and stuff. jenn is co-founder so she'll do most of the technical stuff, the writing of petitions and getting advisors and big things like that. lara i decided should be the coordinator, call people, make appointments and stuff like that. she's good with talking to people. gina (if she wants to be) i thought could be photographer and historian. meaning she'll make documentation of everything we do. i did that for DECA and putting together the scrapbook was a lot of fun. i still need stuff like secretary who can keep track of meetings and all that. and someone to be in charge of funds and fundraisers. it's all really coming together and it's great. i'm really excited. and what will i be doing in this? apparently i'm the boss. the man. the one that goes "hey i need this done" lol. i guess i'll run meetings, keep up the web page and the newsletter, and find things for us to do.

one of the women tried to talk to me and lara again. i told her that i was declining comment at this time. and she got very mad. haha. steele let us out of class early. he did sign for these people to come here but didn't realize that they would be so crazy. he is pro-life, but not in the same league with them. which makes me happy. the tv crew was there and the newspapers. it rocked. finn let me out of class too. and then came for the moment we were all waiting for. their last take down.

every time they took down a sign we clapped. and the last sign we all but jumped up and down and yelled.

oh and good news...they won't be coming back again next year. the chancellor last year apologized. but there's a new chancellor so i guess she didn't know. or maybe she agreed with it. but i know steele won't sign for it. so they'll have to find some other dumbass. hellllll yyyeeeaaaaahhhhhh. and you better believe TRUE will do all they can to keep them from coming back. normal, sane pro-life groups are tolerable. are okay. but crazies are not.

okay so quotes of the day "the the hell away from me!" was yelled by this guy as he walked by the cage and they tried to hand him a pamphlet. and "this is the most hellacious thing i've ever seen" said by another guy as he walked by them.

oh and hobby had a class that was mad because no one was answering their questions. so he brought them out to what he called "the petting zoo" and he ripped the tall older gentleman with the white hat a huge new asshole. it was a most beautiful thing to see. i was soooo happy about that. the whole class was for us.

the best thing was having all those people come out and tell us good job. tell us that they're so glad someone is out here standing. making a point. doing the right thing. it really helped to keep us all going. it was so great.

and now i'm just in great wonderful pain. and overly content with myself and all my friends and all the new friends i made and the women and men that showed their support today. and the woman that came out to hold a sign...because she had her little girl with her. another proof against that genocide bullshit. i'm happy with the sign defining genocide next to their signs. and the papers that people spray glued to the light poles giving those people hell. calling them out on everything. telling them that big billboards hide small minds.

nothing can bring me down right now. it's beautiful.

i love asheville, i love college, i love...everyone....haha well most everyone. but especially babies

April 19, 2006
sooooo today.....got to wake up at 8:30 with a splitting headache and a swollen, red, burning face and go take an atronomy exam. i think i did....actually i have noooo idea. i'm just not going to think about it right now.

came back here, took some tylenol and completely passed out again until 1:30. got up at like 1:45 and went over to my room to do my 65 question psyc exam and talked to JT. he got the logo all done up and the acronym is now The Road to Understanding and Education. it's great. totally awesome.jenn is figuring out when we can go by the office in highsmith and get the forms. so yeah. awesome. went to psyc, tried to avoid sunlight as much as humanly possible and talked to marshall. wound up getting a c on the exam and just sat through class as always. got a text from mike though about the test he took last week in econ.

-sigh- so now i'm dealing with an upset, freaked out and angry mike. one who isn't even sure he should be in college. frankly i think he's just putting too much on himself. his family is putting too much on him. he mentioned being told he has to take 18 hours a semester to graduate in 5 years. EIGHTEEN EVERY SEMESTER?!?!?!!!?!?!? i think i would kill myself. really. seriously kill myself. the insane workload would kill me anyways. no one can do that unless they were einstien themselves. actually not even einstien could do that, considering he flunked out of school... but then i think mike is insane for wanting to do a double major in pysc, busniess and a minor in spanish. and he seems as excited about all of those as i would be getting another abortion. i think he just needs to find something that he actually wants to do. something he will wake up and go "hell yeah time for _______" that's how i am with creative writing and pysc. i love both of them. but i never see that in mike. i just see angry, depressed, overworked, worried mike. but then again he is really emotional. and that can make things like tests and homework seem 98487354 times worse than they would to someone totally laid back with everything.

i don't know. shit my parents don't even know what i'm taking most of the time. let alone what my homework is and my grades are and when i have tests. i generally talk to them every other week or less. and it works well. i love this freedom. if i had to answer to my parents every 6 seconds i would tell them that they may as well take me out of college and re-enroll me as a freshman in high school...

anyways. i have some homework to do. actually so does mike but he's too busy moping i think. so i'm going to get what i can done and get some food.

April 22, 2006
we just got back from tupelo honey cafe with lara jenn jeremy and nira (sp?) for lara's birthday

it was sooooo good. i got tupelo wings for an appetizer and homemade tomato soup and a house salad. holy ass that's some good food. -drools-

last night after mike and i had our talk...yeah. we went to 218 westridge and partied for lara's birthday. lmao we left at like 10:30? and i was already fairly drunk. but i didn't manage to get any sleep until 5 or 6. got up, showered and went downtown. wandered for awhile and then ate.

tonight i think involves cake. real cake not alcohol. well...maybe alcohol. they have a bit left. lol.

i should do some homework before that though so i'm not all like freaking out the day before it's due or the day it's due. i think i'll feel better if i do that... yeah i'll be off to watch made and do some work.

April 23, 2006
so practically living....okay so really living with four guys is a bit.......gross?!

growing up with my parents i had to clean the bathroom every saturday along with various other chores. and i think that stuck in my head so now i hate dirty moldy bathrooms. and this was a rather dirty manly nasty bathroom. so while in the shower today i decided it was time for me to clean it. i really needed a scrub brush (you know with the bristles) so i could REALLY clean the shower but all they have is a sponge. but in any case i feel better and that i've paid my dues for making them live with me this semester. now we're moving onto mike's room. i'm going to start moving my things out and packing since my last exam is the 5th and i think i'm leaving that day or that saturday.

pretty much just a lazy, homework filled sunday. i finished all my creative writing for the next week and my last cultural event and did the reading for tai chi. tomorrow i'm starting the humanities paper if i don't tonight, finishing up all the psyc papers i owe and hopefully bullshitting my last term project for astronomy. after all that i just have to finish the humanities paper, do the creative writing final assignment and the last paper for tai chi that will make up for the time i missed.




well i'm off to round up all my belongings and move them back to my room.

April 24. 2006
so i suddenly feel down
Current mood: blah

not sure why. probably just one of those freak mood swings i get when i have 3p9584385837 things to do and 1 hour to do it in. just too much going on right now to comprehend.

my first year of college is almost over... i have 5 days of classes left. SHIT! only 5. then i get to come home and work. wooo for money. lol i hope this summer is very enjoyable and very full of working. jt told me about his friend who wants to sell his lebaron convertible for something like 1300 bucks. i forget the year but it's in great condition and whatnot...not to mention a freakin' convertible. any car seems better than my car these days. for real. i love it to death. but geez...it can't get to asheville and it can't go up hills. ohhh that's real damn useful. lol but i'll figure it out. i could always try to get a job on campus...it'll be hard but jenn works at this place and maybe she could get me on as another writer. that way i wouldn't really need the car. i just need income for next semester, you know?

sooo i bullshit the last term project...i take that back...mike bullshit half and i bullshit the rest. i fucked up the march calendar but i just need some whiteout and it'll be all good. mmhmm.

i've had a lot on my mind with this whole mike thing. he's going along with the me needing space thing. and i do. but i don't. oh it's all very confusing.

and in regards to this summer...please. if you have a car and a job or are getting a job and don't want to live with/ can't live with your parents or anyone else this summer tell me. i need an apartment mate. if i don't have one i can't stay at the duplex and the concept of me trying to stay at my parent's house is laughable. negative privacy combined with NO SPACE in the OFFICE that used to be my room for me and my things. not to mention three months straight with my mother would make me insane. tooottttaaallllyyy insane. so yeah. if no rent and no parents interests you get up with me.

but yeah. i'm kinda working on some astronomy stuff right now soooo i'm going to go have a cigarette and either work on it some more or go down to jt's room with mike.

April 27, 2006
i looked in the blue banner last week and totally missed the article portraying me in it. lol.
woops. but yeah they quoted me last week. i'm always excited about that kind of thing. haha. i'm such a nerd.

pro-life said that "People will argue that the pictures are too graphic and shouldn't be seen, but that the act of abortion is somehow okay."

first of all...when you get an abortion you aren't in the middle of the school's main quad or in some really public place getting the surgery and forcing people to look at everything as they walk by. i think our side presented a perfectly good alternative to this shock value bullshit. but they're all so brainwashed or whatever they can't see a more logical way of doing things.


but yeah...homework.

April 28, 2006
yeahhh so i'll be living with my girrrrllllls. and with liz fisher as my room mate. everyone says she's a really cool girl. so that's awesome.

today was just.....a really fucking good day.reallllllyyyyy fucking good. i'm just happy.

and i ate soooooo muuuucccccchhhhhh damn food at dinner. and yet i'm hungry now.

my body hates me i think. lol.

this is me right now:

with a little bit of:

but it's allll good. mmhmm. i'm excited to be living with them next semester. frog'll be living in 215. mike is in governors and jt is in founders. mike just let me eat part of his chalupa. so my stomach is a little less angry. but still. i have a pot pie and a pizza in the freezer. i don't want to go cook in the oven, but i might have to in a bit here. i took a nap after dinner so i think i'm going to be awake for awhile.

well i'm going to go cause i don't feel like typing anything. bah.

yeah i didn't want to put them all in here and annoy you guys.
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