A collection of Greg Pickersgill's fanwriting, produced for the Worldcon in Glasgow this summer, is now available for sale by post to those of you who weren't there or who got confused and missed it.
Can't Get Off the Island is a 68 page A4 photocopied collection of Greg's writing (about 70,000 words), drawing from a variety of print and online sources from 1970 to this year.
It costs £3 a copy plus the cost of getting it to you; in the UK this is £4. Depending on where we need to post it to you, you can pay by cash, cheque, or Paypal.
If you want a copy or have any queries, email us via banana at fishlifter dot demon dot co dot uk; we'll then let you have details of how to pay and where to send it. We're doing it this way partly because copies are limited and we want to be able to keep track of stocks.
Any money we make over and above the production and postage costs will go to the Science Fiction Foundation in Liverpool, at Greg's request. Thanks to the Worldcon, Interaction, for part-funding the printing.