I miss idealist-Peter. This cranky know-it-all Peter needs to go away now; how could he just leave Claire flailing for answers like that? Blargh.
I don't think that Daphne will be a villain so much as very mercenary, and very, very much alone; from the comics and some of her reactions in the show, if Hiro weren't so convinced of her being his nemesis, they'd get along GREAT.
So, either Nikki had a(nother?) twin somewhere, or she developed a new personality with new abilities; har har, ice queen, they really are pushing the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Hellfire Club stuff, aren't they? (In that vein, 'The German' is SO CREATIVE HAR HAR for a magnetism master).
Not quite sure what to make of Claire's biological mother showing up again; I don't know how much I trust her, really.
Also, Mohinder has once again landed himself at the top of my Idiot List. I agree with Head Trip's opinion on him yet again.
That said, I do like the return of Heroes. I just worry that it's going to jump the shark.