The neighbours were having a noisy party (idek which neighbours -- left? right? upstairs? bah, apartments), so I popped my earbuds in and sketched. Yes, I listened to Kpop (and some English pop and some podfic) and sketched on a Friday night. What can I say -- I lead an exciting life.
Characters from two fandoms that I'm not even in:
I watch Elementary solely for Joan's various knitwear (and cute coats and blazers) and her shiny, shiny hair.
I'm getting a real kick out of this red felt pen I found. It's so smooth and glide-y and idek. (the lineart does not look red because I stuck the sketch in Photoshop -- I didn't want Allison to look as if she had bright red hair \o\ Also, it had to go through Photoshop because it is actually a crummy cellphone photo and needed level/contrast adjustments /o\)
I started watching New Girl, and idk, I'm not sure if I like it that much? But it's 21 minutes, which is perfect for my meandering attention span. Also, Schmidt is amusing and Cece is fab, so.