Well im gonna make a super post!
My weekend in a fish bowl.
Like every other friday, i got trashed. Some interesting things happened to say the least...or didnt happen :x
This was possibly the best time i have had in a LONG time. Went to Orlando with Rem to see Avenged Sevenfold.
The show totally kicked ass. Opiate For the Masses, Death by Stereo and Saosin oepened. Im just gonna say that Saosin sucks donkey dick, they were horrible. Opiate and Death were amazing. But they got blown away by A7x's hour and a half set. Oh man i cant wait til they come back to town
Woke up and went to move furniture at an ex-coworkers. Stephen went with me to help. We got paid with a 20 pack of bud light and a pack of cigs. Went home an chilled for a few hours. Rem, Stephen and I went to Dennys which was pretty sweet. Then went to help mel with her homework. I helped with a whole 3 problems (wtf!). Then we came home and stared drinking, well i didnt till i got the call. I had monday off. Recieved the call at 12:30am from my drunken stepdad. LoL hes fuckin funny as balls when hes trashed. Did some beer bongs <3 to get drunk. Stephen puked after his 1st one ROFL. Watched some random shit on ebaums while drunk...."hey kid! imma computa! stop all the downloads!"
Woke up like 3 times in the middle of the nite. But when Mel went to work i brought her some of my prized french bread pizza for lunch. She wouldnt let me leave for like 2 hours WTF! Anyways came home watched some of Saw, went to the mall with Rem, played DDR, decided not to play anymore. Came home and then deicded to go to Cici's with Stephen and Leila. So many mexicans there, i bet its a Mexi-Hive or something. Some lady bitched about gettin 1 piece of pizza for 40 bux, so we made fun of her the rest of the nite. God i love those kids hehe