yeah its been a while! i havent really had much to say recently but i thought back and theres been some stuff worth mentioning! went to glasgow with stuart, zoe and robert and met Elle at central!
Was a great day we walked about and went on the hunt for rabbits and a suit jacket for me! i eneded up getting a amazing one out of, "where'd you get those Dungarees..." yup you geussed it "H & M, H & M" was really funny with elle she kept the banter flowing when there was little and also she picked the jacket i bought and everyone loved it especialy me! Robert obviously thought the jacket was ace and before we could get out of the mall he wanted to go back and get THE SAME ONE! ha ha nah he suited it muchly so it was a wise choice!
Then it happened! we went outside Buchanan Galleries and i sat down to wacth the band that was playing and i looked the person i was next to! the most amazing guy ever! elle couldt stop laughing so he through his chips and curry sauce to the side, turned round and busrt into song! Words cant describe him but this should:-
then zoe had to go and the rest of us went to narvana so stuart could book his anti-eyebrow peircing!
then it was swinging time! spent a good while on the scafolding poles near the shop doing various massive gaps and tried to avoid the angry people who dont understand what being young was about! Watched elle drink extremely strong vodka beverages and stretch her ear in McD's!(hardcore no tears on anything!)
Stuart went to get peirced and then me and robert bought mothers day cards! went to the peircing studio to meet stu and elle! he hadnt been in yet but was obviouly getting nevouse!(no wonder!) took ages for him to come back out i think he was getting bummed as payment because i never saw any money flowing! ha ha drunk time elle got mashed and made the day even better! we went escalating in T.G. Hughs! awsome good fun! i had to leave after that to go home to go out at to the pub! robert came with! We spent some time at his house playing with night vision goggles before i was nearly late to meet my g/f i had a really good night(got mashed!) something happend with steph that im not quite sure about but its been touch and go so far!
started work on monday (shit but ohh well!) been up at the dirt jumps every day this week digging! i miss riding sooooo much i cant wait till i can! dont think ill wait as long to update again too much writing! ha ha oh yeah i learned to meditate a few years back at some classes with my dad and sister, i tried to do it today in the toilet at work, because your meant to be able to do it anywhere, was soooo funny like 5 people came in and took really big shits! kinda put me off!
before peircing!
After (DUH)
Cool as fuck eyes!
yeah that was ma agent on the phone! can you tell?
And we met kirsty and jullie and gemma at the station!