The Kind of Fan Mail I Love

May 17, 2012 16:51

This isn't the first time I've received an email along these lines, but this one was specific and thorough enough to share, and it sheds light into why I don't get upset when people talk about me on the internet. Reality stands for itself.

Shared with permission:

Hi, my name is (name withheld). I was reading Bad Webcomics Wiki, which is ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

banner May 17 2012, 21:29:59 UTC
I think a lot of people who 'hate' you do so because your are successful and they are jealous. They don't understand that you have provided a model of how a webcomic artist can be successful and make a living off of what they do (especially a 'furry' artist). If these people put half as much effort into copying your business model as they put into attacking you, they'd probably be successful too.

I just guess I will never understand those kinds of people. If they put that effort into working for themselves, they'd not only be much happier, but they'd have money to show for it as well.


agentexeider May 20 2012, 01:59:34 UTC
I think it goes even further then that, in that they hate, dislike Jay because it's something that they may personally disagree with (Furry haters) and don't like seeing him succeed because of that. It's hard to relegate furries as just weirdos in suits, when they actually manage to succeed and make a business out of what they do ( ... )


ext_75832 May 17 2012, 21:33:10 UTC
I dont have a high readership but I find that, out of some of my biggest detractors, most go for the obvious insults. I rather like a witty debate and/or concrete set of points, even if it is against me (rather than positive feedback) but sites like the aforementioned are an example of senseless name calling and parroting of other insult sites (such as E.D. or lulz, etc..) You and I would probably never come to an agreement in a religious or political debate but I got the sense to separate the views of an artist from his/her work and appreciating the artists' skill for what it is.

As much as I dont condone going out of your way to stir controversy, I will agree that controversy and trolling sometimes serve as beneficial press.


ext_711436 May 17 2012, 22:02:19 UTC
Dude, i Pass on your comic to anyone I think would enjoy it. There is nothing about you comics that I do not enjoy. to the point of laughing my head off at the well placed humor. As you have grown as an artist, your character have grown into their own, taking on their own personalities. Giving them depth that I do not think I will ever find in any other comic. They have remained consistent throughout the timeline of the comic. Even the new characters you add to the comic, all seem to have their history on their sleeve, to the point where you get where they are coming from from the word go. Keep up the great work, and honestly, I do not know how or why someone would spend so much money and time criticizing a free web comic. Then those who have such an ax to grind, they tend to have their own problem they cannot seem to deal with, so they take it out on something so popular, that way they can let other know they even exist.

Getting a new pas in July. Keep up the great work.


ext_1187468 May 17 2012, 22:09:26 UTC
Speaking of unfair criticism, why do I hear Better Days getting all kind of flack for Fisk & Lucy's unconventional relationship (which is treated as a dramatic plot point in the story), but I hear NOTHING about their relationship in Badly Drawn Kitties, which is nothing but a cheap laugh? Since BDK's first joke about Fisk & Lucy came a whole two years prior to BD's ch. 10, shouldn't BDK be getting more criticism for that controversial element than BD?


zorinlynx May 17 2012, 23:49:49 UTC
I think people take BDK less seriously because it's more of a comedy, whereas Better Days is a drama.

Personally, I don't care for incest and find it to be a bad thing... but I sure as hell am not going to criticize the author of a comic for introducing a subject I'm not comfortable with. This sort of thing does happen sometimes in real life, and can have real consequences for the families; there's nothing wrong with depicting it in a fictional story in a tasteful (well, as tastefully as you can depict incest) manner.

Heck, a good analogy is murder! I'd say murder is a heck of a lot worse than incest, yet we see it in comics and stories all the time and don't bat an eye. Yet a comic depicts ONE incident of incest and suddenly it's BURN NAYLOR TIME! WTF?

Oh yeah, it involves sex, which makes people turn off their brains for some reason.


ext_1167563 May 17 2012, 22:37:40 UTC
Bahh, hardcore trolls are funny to some point...
Encyclopedia dramatica is a great example of a joke that
went too far.
And all this makes me think how a bunch of people waste time writing useless articles like that, or maybe they don't spend time at all and the result is an incomprehensible piece of crap.


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