Name/Nicknames: Fenris, Leto (real name, highlight for spoiler), elf, Broody
Age: Unknown, presumed late 20s to early 30s
Height: Unknown; taller than the average male elf.
Weight: Unknown, skinny as hell.
Medical Info: Fenris frequntly gets stabbed, bitten, burned, frozen, shot, hacked, etc. Luckily, he heals very quickly. Also, his girlfriend is a healer and the one mage he would actually trust to use magic on him. >_>
Eyes: Green
Hair: White hair, black eyebrows.
Physical traits: Fenris is "lanky for an elf" as Isabela puts it; he's about as tall as the average human male (about an inch shorter than female Hawke, who is taller than an average human woman), and very, very thin. His joints are loose, knees and elbows always bent. He rarely stands straight, always hunched slightly, almost protectively. He always goes barefoot, and his body is covered with sinuous white tattoos. Yes, they do go all the way down. As an elf, he has some distinct facial differences from humans - nose meets the forehead higher up and has a broad bridge, narrow nostrils, his eyes are larger, and his brow ridge straighter - and his ears are long and very distinctly pointed. Also, and this is totally a physical trait, his voice is Gideon Emery which is to say pure aural sex. Swooning is permitted. Broody babies are encouraged but not required.
On the left side of his belt, he wears a gold and red embroidered crest; his right wrist is wrapped with a red cloth. He always has these two things, no matter what.
Picture link for his appearance,
picture link for the crest, though his crest is sewn in red on white cloth, with a gold border around the edge of the favor/token/whatever you want to call it.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: No "fictional", please. Mention magic at your own risk. :3
Abilities: He has these skill tree available to him: Two-handed Weapon, Vanguard, Battlemaster, Warmonger Defender, and his specializtion, Tevinter Fugitive. I WILL DO A SEPARATE POST WITH HIS SKILL TREES AND WHAT EXACTLY HE HAS AND DOESN'T HAVE AND HIS STATS. o/ But in non-RPG terms, Fenris' tattoos give him uncommon strength and stamina; he can swing a two-handed sword that's as large as he is like it's a rapier. In addition, he can phase out his body, in whole or in part, and move through solid objects. In combat, he can do things like phase out his arm, stick it through his enemy's head, and phase it solid again, which pushes everything that was in the way of his arm aside, and, well . . . instantly kills his foe. He also shoves his hand into people's chests and crushes their still-beating hearts. He can release a strong pulse of spirit energy that damages every enemy around him. In addition to offensive capabilities, the tattoos also give him strong magical resistance, and when phased out, he also takes reduced physical damage and is just plain harder to hit, because he's difficult to see and his speed is increased. Also, the more damage he takes, the harder he hits. Yeah, he's one of those.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: "It's a sickness, this hate. This dark growth inside me that I can't ever get rid of. And they put it there!" While Fenris is trying to move past this, thanks to Hawke's influence on his life, it's still very much there; for all his recent actions, he still hates, fears, and even envies magic. His memories really start only about fifteen years back (at a general guess; exact time period is unknown). He has a few from earlier, but not many. The brightest thing in Fenris' mind is his love for Hawke, and it is a beacon for him. He's very serious, but there's more humour in his thoughts than one might guess by looking at him from the outside, and he tends to be fairly content when not actively brooding/angry. His real name is not Fenris; Fenris is what his master called him. It means 'little wolf' in Arcanum, the language of Tevinter. His real name is at the top of this post, whited out since it's a spoiler, and he only barely remembers it. He doesn't use it. He thinks in Arcanum, not the common tongue. Camp may translate or it may not. XD Either way, letting him know you've read his mind would be highly unwise. His tattoos are basically made of SOLID MAGIC mixed with ink and injected into his skin, so they're very pingable.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Just talk to me! I'm liable to say yes.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: You can try, but Fenris HATES being touched (except by Hawke). His general reaction is to put his hand through people who grab him unexpectedly; he will try to avoid it if he can see it coming. YOU ARE WELCOME TO TRY but be aware that he will not take it well. o/ Except for you, Hawke. ♥
Maim/Murder/Death: y/maybe/maybe just talk to me. And expect a vengeful mage to fry you.
Cooking: . . . no. He can burn shit over a campfire, but real cooking? No.
Other: Totally a wine snob. His favourite is Avalia Pamunalis, the 9:27 vintage.