So, home I sit, taking another day off to recover, although I feel less wounded today. Had weird dream about hearing my stitching pop out (though I doubt the sound resembles guitar strings being plucked).
10. things you wish you could say to ten different people right now
~I know you don't really exist, but you're still one of my biggest heroes. Though it may seem silly, you taught me much of the simple practicalities of life and living martial arts. You will be missed.
~Hey Bro. I'm sorry we lost touch, twice in fact, even after fate brought us together again (ahh, Street Fighter reference for the win). No matter what happens and how much we grow apart, we are still kindred spirits and if you or your daughter ever need someone, I will be there for you.
~You never even knew, or maybe you did, but I doubt you understood how important you were to me at the time (even years later). A small regret that I gave into shyness and fear, that I never even at the very least befriended you again, but I trust my gut instincts and you were someone worthy of that love spent, and I wish I had said something (if only for myself). Although it was nice to find you again, however briefly, on Myspace...even if it broke my mind.
~It's a pity that the only significant time we spent together was during some of my rougher, more emotional formative years, but I wish I could get the chance to know you better now that I've reached a stable point. You seem like a cool guy and I would like the chance to understand who you are better. Perhaps in the future, I will visit and we can talk over a game or two of chess.
~The time we spent together was very nice and taught me a lot about various things about, ahem, "romances." Part of me does regret not having more time, a better chance, and that one time I got cockblocked by God (however morbidly amusing it is in retrospect); but I understand it was all for the best and I'm happy for you now. I will always cherish my memories of our experience.
~You taught me much about courage and helped me understand it was okay to be weak, but even better to accept and how it makes you stronger. It's too bad we never got very far, even though I know we're very different, but it always brightened my days to see you and talk to you. You buoyed my heart when I needed it most.
~You are like Dickens to me, for you were the worst of times and the best of times. I wish you could have understood, just once, about what I was trying to do or say, but alas. I wish things could have been different, the timing different, but they are as they are and I accept that now and wish you all the best. There's more, but I don't think it should be said.
~You were so much to so many, but perhaps it is arrogant of me to say that I think I understood you better than most of your "fans." I see you as a human being and mostly I would have just loved to sit down with you and talk to you for hours, about so many things and hear your opinions in person and converse about my own.
~This is probably cheating, since you're not really a person, but what I did (or more precisely) didn't do) for you remains the only true regret in my life. I wish I could have taken better care of you and been better, given you what you needed. I can only hope that you were happy and that when you passed, you were at peace.
~Oh Princess, what would I do without you? You have been a jewel in my life ever since Pink Lemonade brought us together. You are, without a doubt, my best friend and so much more. I cherish the times we've had together and the times we will continue to have. Thank you for being who you are and being in my life.
09. things about yourself
~I am, first and foremost, absofreakinlutely Amazing
~I am a natural loner and warrior and ruthless survivor
~I fight against my nature every day
~My goals and dreams are achievable in life and I will succeed, I am on track with plans
~I have a very strong memory and ability to understand various things
~I use my ability to understand to help me learn and also socially exist, for I naturally "mimic" the people I'm around when I have nothing better to be or am busy utilizing my mind for other things than social behavior.
~I seek to comprehend further, to delve into the great mysteries of Life and Humanity, through my own introspections and musings.
~I can find the enjoyment in all kinds of activity and thus have found my zen-like contentment with Life and everything it throws at me.
~I am a bad, sadistic individual, but in a funny, prankster sort of way.
08. ways to win your heart
~Be yourself, I respond best to the reality of people (like a person in front of me will woo me more than a movie star could ever), so it's best for both people to put as much of the real them forward to see if it's worth going any farther. Otherwise, what's the point?
~Be passionate, I love life and someone who can live it with the fire I dream of, will draw me closer to them than anything else. No matter what your focus it, I will admire you for whatever your drive.
~A kind of unique sensuality that I can't describe well with words, but I know it when I see it. It's still mostly a kind of sexual confidence and sensual nature, but there's a little more that is hard to say.
~Warriors; I'm a warrior in a time when the world no longer needs them, but the spirit never dies and I also admire physical prowess and martial skill as well...very attractive
~Occasional femininity; I don't like girly-girls, but at the same time, I find the occasional reminder of feminine behavior or dress or such, very alluring. Maybe like 80% tomboy/20% woman, or some such ratio.
~Intelligent, understanding, and open mindedness; being sharp and trying to perceive and understand is a must-have trait for people I'm willing to be around for extended periods of time. Those who make prejudice-like assumptions or mindlessly agree or close off in their own assumptions are very annoying to me.
~The spark, I can't describe it, it's probably just my personal chemical reaction to another's, but sometimes there is an intangible interest I have and it draws me forward like a schoolboy with a crush.
~have nice legs and a fine rack Laugh at everything, take very little serious; the ability to find the time to smile and laugh and be happy whenever you wish is wonderful and life's too short to be anything but a fun ride.
07. things that cross your mind a lot
~"I should probably be training my kung fu..."
~"I need to get back in top shape."
~"Oh, good idea...I'll probably forget it later I bet."
~*insert various personal rant/theories of martial arts/life philosophies*
~"Culinary inspirations~~ This would be a good dish, now to make it a feast for the eyes and taste buds."
~"I'm procrastinating for such and such...I really need to do such and such."
~*sings whatever song is stuck in head*
06. things you do before you fall asleep
~Profound insight and introspection about something that I don't have the ruddy time to really think about or remember since I have to bloody sleep.
~Get comfy with pillow and blanket set up
~Make sure alarm is set properly, but often forget some minor, important detail since I'm turning it on, or the difference of the AM/PM light, etc.
~Get jumped on by the cat who desires to sleep on, or near me.
~Shower usually, since I rarely have time in the morning, and the heat relaxes me for bed.
~Allow my mind to drift into a pseudo-fugue state, making sleep easier and dreams more fun.
05. people who mean a lot
~Zhe Gel
~People in my past whom I have lost contact with
~The Imagined "Me" of the Future where everything has been achieved, yet still enjoying life and seeking new adventures.
04. things you're wearing right now
~Pull-over hoodie, black
~Sweatpants, dark-blue
~Boxer-briefs, dark-red
~...the Cat?
03. songs that you listen to often
~"Gotta Knock A Little Harder" the Seatbelts
~anything by Queen (play it at work at lot and occasionally listen at home/in car too)
~um...I can't think of anything else I often listen to...bgm music of stuff I watch or games I play?
02. things you want to do before you die
~Achieve very high levels in both martial and culinary arts
~See and travel about the world.
01. confession
~I'm not an actor, but I play one on T.V.
Okay that took way too long to complete, and I should probably try and eat something. Stupid mouth...eating is an annoying chore at the moment.