+ Application + Rapunzel + Siren's Pull +

Apr 30, 2011 23:14

Player Information

Name: Ely
Age: 20
AIM SN: crushsugar
email: lovesmenot@live.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Currrently Played Characters: lostmygrace and createsoblivion

Character Information

Canon Source: Disney's Tangled
Canon Format: Movie
Character's Name: Rapunzel
Character's Age: 18

What form will your character's NV take? iPhone (She'll have fun learning that one)

Character's Canon Abilities: Aside from being really efficiant and quick at cleaning and doing and a fairly decent singer, her hair juuust might be noteworthy. It's about 70 feet long, thick, golden blonde.. And it glows when she sings. Well it does more than just glow, actually. It has healing powers, of the sun; to be specific, not that she knows that. It can reverse the effects of aging, heal any wound (so long as they're not dead) and is surprisingly similar to a whip or rope. Rapunzel often uses it to lasso anything from a chameleon's tail, to a hatch to open a sun roof. Among other things.

She also has a pet chameleon named Pascal. He's more or less for comic relief, and it's presumed (if you read the kids books that have no real place in canon) that she's had him since she was little. He's very expressive, snarky and silent. He can also turn disney-colors. ie: More than one color at once.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Light Manipulation; the ability to absorb and/or control light particles. If enough is absorbed, or she learns to control the power, she can fuse it with her entire body, lighting herself up. ...Kind of like her hair. It's not dangerous to the touch, either. It can, however, be used as psychic like energy for offense/defence.


Character History: While Rapunzel's mother (Queen) was pregnant with her, she fell gravely ill. The Kingdom set about to find the 'flower of the sun' (a drop of sunlight had fallen to the earth and turned into a flower)- one which could heal any wound. They did by sheer luck, and were able to bring the flower back to the fading queen. The plant was mixed into a broth that the Queen was able to drink, and the magic did the trick. Not only was she completely healed, but a healthy baby girl was born.

With brilliant, thick blond hair. A little strange, since both the king and queen were brunet, but with the influence from the sun-flower, their baby girl had been given a brighter shade. The city rejoiced, and laterns were lit and lifted into the sky in celebration. Unfortunately, that night, the baby Rapunzel's crib was infiltrated by an old witch (Gothel, who had been secretly using the magic flower for hundreds of years now). Initially, Gothel planned to activate girl's hair by singing the incantation song (the one that activated the flower's magic previously) and cut a piece of her glowing hair. But as soon as it was cut, the magic faded, and the chunk of hair turned brown. So instead, Rapunzel was kidnapped and raised in secret by Gothel. She was taught to that the outside world was a dangerous place, never to cut her hair, and to always listen to mother. For Mother knows best.

Every year, on her 18th birthday, Rapunzel has watched the night sky fill up with thousands of lights (unbeknownst to her to be lanterns) and eventually ends up feeling like they're something special- just for her. She dreams of seeing them in person one day, and when her mother comes to visit that day, she asks to see them as a gift. Her mother laments to her about leaving, ending with a light scolding, telling her never to ask of leaving the tower again. Rapunzel begrudgingly agrees. Mother knows best, after all. -- But while mother is gone for a few hours, 'Punzel's quaint little abode tower is invaded by a handsome young thief who thinks he's found a fantastic hiding place. Unfortunately, Rapunzel has never seen another human beyond Gothel- much less a man, and promptly knocks him cold with a frying pan within seconds of him being in her home.

With a little help from her Chameleon friend, Pascal, she gradually overcomes her fear and tosses the man into the closet for safe keeping. Rather proud of herself- never thinking she'd be able to handle herself so well, Mother comes back again. Just as Rapunzel is about to reveal the hidden thief in her closet, the brief fight with Gothel escalates to a point where the woman shouts. She would never leave her tower. Ever. Rapunzel, dripping with heartbreak, makes up a quick lie of what she wanted instead. Not to see the 'stars' or floating lights, but some new paint from a far off location. Despite the three days travel, Gothel agrees, and eventually sets out.

What is Rapunzel to do now? Why tie up her hostage and interrogate him of course. That and bribe him into taking her to see the floating lights. Her barter of course, is the stolen booty the thief had on him at the time of arrival. A satchel and it's contents; an expensive looking crown. ..Even though Rapunzel had no idea what it was when she initially found it. A rather upset Flynn Rider eventually agrees to take the long haired blonde to see her floating lights. Not easily, however.

Gathering her courage, Rapunzel leaves her tower, promptly followed by a rush of excitement and song- only to be wrought by a bout of terrible mood swings. Best Day Ever to I'm A Horrible Daughter and back again. And Again. Flynn, seeing her turmoil, tries to innocently turn it on itself, just to get out of his job. It doesn't really work, but upon discovering her fear of- well, everything, (especially ruffians and thugs) he decides to take her to The Snuggly Duckling. A quaint little pub full of Ruffians and Thugs. Of course, it backfires slightly when they all garner after him and his captured reward money (he's a wanted thief, after all!)- and is only rescued when Rapunzel stands up for him. Cue in a fantastic song of how everyone has a dream. The Guards show up just as Rapunzel has won the thugs over, and they help her and Flynn escape. From there, it's a quick moment of almost reveal that Punzie has never left her tower home- but the Guards are hot on their tail.

A daring and death defying fight later (including that of a Frying pan weidling Flynn and a sword-weilding horse), Rapunzel and Flynn find themselves trapped in a very small cavern that is quickly filling up with water. It's too dark to see if there is a way out under the water; it looks grim. Rapunzel apologizes for getting them into such a mess, and Flynn's real name is revealed. Eugene Fitzherbert. This leads Punz' to admit a secret of her own; "I have magic hair that glows when I sing. ...I have magic hair, that glows when I sing!" With such a revelation, and only a few seconds before the water engulfs them, she hurries out the first line of the incantation. Her hair alights, and they discover a drain out. The light goes out moments before they are able to break their way through and save themselves.

Eugene is rather stunned at the whole ordeal. Glowing hair. After a trying moment of getting the man's shattered attention, Rapunzel admits that it can do more than just glow. Once they've dried off, and Rapunzel is 'cryptically wrapping her hair about his injured hand', she reveals her secret. That her hair is Magic and can turn back time on anyone (and presumeably, anything). With the single request to not 'freak out', she begins to sing the Incantation. Her hair once again lights up, this time in a stunning display, eventually coiling into the hair wrapped around Eugene's hand. It heals it completely, and Eugene is.. Shocked. After he composes himself, he reveals a little more about his own story- and Rapunzel admits to much preferring Eugene Fitzherbert over Flynn Rider.

As Eugene leaves to get fire wood, Rapunzel is confronted by Gothel, whom is playing it safe and staying calm, here to bring her daughter back to her tower. Rapunzel refuses. "I think he likes me." Gothel is a little more than irked. With a flourish, she gives Rapunzel the satchel and crown, telling her to test Eugene's feelings by returning it to him. To see if he leaves.

She doesn't return it right away- but the next day they arrive to the City (with a horse; Maximus, accompanying them now). She is beyond excited, and though she is more than willing to run around and explore, her excessive hair is.. getting in the way. A lot. The quick fix? A band of six little sisters, all more than delighted to twist the mass into one giant braid- adorned with flowers and smaller braids intermixed. Much easier to handle. The city is ready for exploring.

True to her nature, Rapunzel finds herself immersed in music, people and attractions the city has to offer, eventually bringing the townsfolk into a fantastic bout of song and dance- fit for the festival of the 'missing princess' that she only vaguely knows about. It's during this entire day that she begins to realize Eugene may not be the only one to have feelings for the other party member.

In the evening, she and her guide take to the sea by gondola- Eugene wants her to have a front row seat to see the floating lanters. And does she ever- they bleed across the sky from the kingdom, filling every inch of sky, lighting the sea and surrounding them in warm light. Upon finding it the right time, she returns the satchel and crown to the man, and to her delight, he puts it aside to lift their own pair of lanterns to the sky. Rapunzel shares her first song with Eugene here, and it almost leads to her very first kiss.

Unfortunately, the thief has spotted a pair of baddies whom he may just owe the crown to. Taking them to shore a little ways off, he tells her that he's got something he needs to take care of. With the crown. There is a brief moment of hesitancy in Rapunzel's eyes, but she trusts him. He leaves to deal with the Stabbington brothers, and Rapunzel waits. [This is where I will be taking her from.]

Point in Canon: Waiting in the Gondola for Flynn Rider [Eugene Fitzherbert] after seeing the Lanterns.

Character Personality: Cheeky, sheltered (understatement of the year), naive and has got one hell of a mother-complex. Unknowingly stolen from her home when she was a year old, and raised in a tower hidden deep within a forest. She's never left said tower, and really knows nothing of the world outside.

She's good at keeping her spirits high, however, keeping herself busy and finding plenty of things to do. But even these get tiring after eighteen years of being essentially grounded to her room. Rapunzel has a fighting spirit, but it deflates completely in front of her mother, Gothel. Speaking her mind around her takes quite a bit, and standing up against her takes even more. The girl has been living under Gothel's thumb her entire life, without knowing any better.

But she's got guts in her, willing to defy her mother- though they had just fought, and is desperate to not get caught- just to seek her own gains. But she's an innocent girl in all senses of the word. The outside world, while curious and magical to her, is still a scary place. But even then, it doesn't take her long to learn that there is good in it.

And in her adventure she learns a bit of courage can go a long way, and with luck, she may even just learn what Love is. With her child-like concept of how people work, dreams being so important, 'can't we all just get along?' and growing ease at making friends, she may just make it all the way and back without momma catching her.

She's very trusting- if you promise her something, she'll trust you to come through. And the same goes for her- when she makes a promise, she will never, ever break it. Ever. Just so we're clear.

Character Plans: Would love to get her settled and happy again... And then chop all her hair off :'D Other than that, not sure yet!

Appearance/PB: Here

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[The screen is filled with nothing but golden hair. What looks to be yards and yards of it, even. And it's moving. Twisting and tugging and catching in tiny places before continuing on. It dips and hangs and suddenly there's a pair of two bright green eyes appear within a curious face.]

Is this really how it works? [A glance away, off screen. Someone else in the room?]

The little light is shining on it- It is working! [The vision bounces as the girl grabs onto the NV, hauling it up and holding it at arm's length.]

Everyone! I have an announcement. [Pause for effect.] I've gone and made just a li~ttle too much food- Heh, understatement, there.. And I'd be more than willing to share it if you're hungry?

[She sidesteps half a dozen times so that the table of food can be shown behind her. There sure is a lot of it.]

Yes. So. If you'd like some... Well, some visitors would be nice. [A sheepish little smile tugs at the girl's lips, the pair opening as if to speak again.]

[But alas. The screen goes black. Oh dear, she's turned it off.]

Third Person Sample

For anyone to step into the room, they would find quite the spectacle. Hair. Streams of it, quite literally, everywhere. Draped over bed, chairs, table and shlelves, strewn across the floor and even hooked up and over the hanging light fixture. And where might all this hair be attatched from? Why, the girl with a brush, off to the side near the end of the yards of golden tresses. She looks pretty tuckered out, but trudging on all the same. Only a few more strokes.. and done. The masses are shiny and tangle free, and doesn't miss Rapunzel just look peachy with herself.

"I swear it takes longer to do, every day." A heavy sigh, though there's nothing but accomplishment in it. "Well, guess I should get off my bum and do something useful." And up she does get, taking a good few minutes to unhook her hair from places it could snag, and hum her way out the door. The soft hiss of hair against carpet fills the air as she hops down the stairs and totters into the kitchen.

"Mm.. Apple pie, or peach. Oh! Maybe if there's some banana's I can make some bread." With eyes on a nearby shelf of spices, she wanders a hand to grab for the metal hand of the fridge. The resulting 'zap' shocks her into a yelp, hand jerking to her chest.

"Ugh! Static shock!" Rapunzel tosses a glare back to the harmless looking hair of hers. ..Which still looks to have a few yards still left in the room.

+application: rapunzel

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