birdinflight"I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less.
Ask me anything (yes.. ANYTHING) you want.
Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything."
there ya have it.
Comments 27
2.) If you could live anywhere for the rest of your life, where would you live? Why?
3.) What is your favorite song of all time? Why?
2) Europe. I know it sounds so cliche, but they really know what it means to live. People go to parks and use public transportation. Everything there has history. It's not all "new". There's beauty in age. As a society, they don't rush all the time, they spend time with their families. I loved being over there and I plan on moving back.
3) "Ain't that lovin you baby" by Jimmy Reed. It will forever be engrained in my memory as nights spent on the lakehouse as a kid when I really can't remember having a problem in the world. It just makes me feel euphoric.
2. Hold on...kendryk does it sometimes too! What the fuck is with him then??
3. Are both conspiring against me?
2) He's great.
3) Maybe it's an Amarillo thing. It's in the water ;D
2. What's one thing you had the chance to do, but didn't, and now regret?
3. How am i getting to Amarillo to hang out with you!?
2. Going to boarding school after my sophomore year. I wish I had. Maybe I would've gotten my shit together and really done something with my life "right off the bat".
3. I DON'T KNOW!!! I STILL SAY YOU SHOULD GO TO WIMINSFEST. my friend Stefanie is going too. It's May 28-June1 or something. Just tell Ashley to... chill, lol. I duno. We will work it out. I need soulmate time. <3
2. wow, boarding school. that couldve changed alot...
3. ok, we have to think very hard on this one. we must hang out. duh, soulmates have to meet at least once in life. <33
hahahah <33333333333
2. can i barrow your vcr to dub a tape?
3. about how many calories and carbs are in one cup of cabbage, chinese, pe-tsai, raw?
2. Sho thang- come get it!
3. I am a fat kid at heart. I count co calories, I know not what they are.
1) who's been the best sex, and what was so great about it?
2) where do you see yourself in 10 years? (not where do you want to be in 10 years but where do you actually see life's shit taking you...)
3) if your house caught on fire and you only had time to grab one thing from its burning ruins, what would that one thing be?
2) In some large city trying to make a living, sadly enough.
3) My guitar.
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