So, I cheated again. Hehh. And woww look! First post for the year 2012! Woooooot!
Anyhow, onto the occassion:
All I can say is, congrats on your 13th year of formation, Arashi! It's like yesterday I posted the 10th post and get all emotional over it lol Time flies and yes, no one ever imagine they will ever reach in what they had reached till now. They did said it's all like a dream to them. Whatever peak you are standing, I'll countinue on cheering on you, though I might no longer that avid fan compare to myself when I started. Okay, that's it. I can no longer wrote a long mushy essay about how I feel about this guys. I'll save up the rest for another Arashi's day :D
And another, probably most emotional anniversary ever imo:
I can't with you guys. Probably because they are my first idol group I ever into, my emotion easily get overwhelmed by them. This group had went through so much. Even so, in whatever number left you're right now, oh NEWS. OH 4NIN NEWS. I wish you guys for the best. I hope the management will go all out for their tenth next. They deserved it. SO MUCH.
I really thought that I have A LOT to say, but guess not xD Have nice day everyone :D/