1. Man, nobody has to like Valentine's Day, and I get a lot of the reasons why people don't (consumerism, the erasure of spiritual and religious aspects from what was once a holy festival, general tackiness), but I enjoy many aspects of it! And I am, wait for it, dating a woman! Even though I am also a woman! And we are into the tackiness, let me
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Comments 11
(and i love you.)
... May !!
It's an excellent month usually, and now even more so. I hope you're doing better, then. And me, too, I guess. Both of us. Everybody. <3
yes. today has been exceptionally good. i hope that is not just because of there being good love things all over the internet!
And yeah, Julia, I like Valentine's Day too. I don't rely on it so much to take the monotony out of February, because I also have my birthday for that. XD But people are always extra generous with candy that day, and I kind of like people's aggressive efforts to make it about valuing your friends too.
idk I love holidays in general. They break up a lot of tedium in life.
It is a heteronormative holiday, the way it's marketed. Meh. S'okay. I just wanted to poke at that a little bit. Get on my Undoing Oppression High Horse, you know? (It's a white and rainbow-y sparkly high horse, fyi. Very pretty.)
I guess what I really don't like about Valentine's Day is this idea that there's a Right Way to Be Romantic, and regardless of whether your single or with someone, you're probably not gonna do it right. But, on the other hand, if I was with someone and we both wanted to buck that trend, then it could be a really fun, silly sort of day, which I would fully support.
I don't know. I guess I just needed to rant a bit. :)
I know that's not what you meant to get across in that blog post, but actually Valentine's Day is a pretty popular holiday for people-- all kinds of people-- to express their worldly, out-of-the-mainstream ways by being curmudgeonly about. < / awkward sentence structure> ( ... )
See, I'd seen this on FB, thought - My god! It is kinda like that! - and then attempted to bring that revelation into my post. It didn't work, and, for the reasons you pointed out, it failed pretty spectacularly. Ironically, the commercialism of V-day does bother me looads more than this supposed idea that it's a heteronormative holiday, but I wanted to rant about that, instead.
I am sorry. Thank you, again, for saying this, because it hadn't occurred to me, and I'm glad you pointed it out. I've actually linked your post above to my v-day post, because I wanted to add what you've said to what I originally said.
The commercial marketing around Valentine's Day is truly obnoxious, and I can understand being annoyed by it, or even getting angry about it. I don't want to seem like I'm totally brushing off the existence of a toxic consumer culture or media culture by saying "just ignore that stuff and make up your OWN traditions!!" because it can be impossible to ignore, and because I'm sure a lot of people genuinely are made to feel worse about themselves on Valentine's Day if they're gay, or single, or divorced, or asexual, or not in a traditional kind of romantic relationship.
(Though, as mentioned in my post -- kinda-sorta-- consumerism and heteronormativity are everywhere in U.S ( ... )
I also loved Gary's beard. Cat-eye Glasses Girl was so cute! I think she got annoyed at me because I was staring at her a little but I was staring 'cause girl had style <3
That's sure part of why I like it.
All of the Delta kids I saw on our visit were pretty snappy dressers, TBH. Especially that super-tiny kid in the hedgehog sweater and tutu who was doling out the wassail.
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