A Word for the Year

Dec 31, 2007 12:00

Fixing the Psychedelic Camera (Again)
December 2007 Edinburgh, Scotland

I've never been all that good about New Years Resolutions. They seem like such noble, worthy ideas on December 31st but by January 2nd or 3rd they're seeming like burdens, not blessings. Good intentions quickly turn into annoyances and then resentments and within a week or so I'm back in those comfortable, familiar ruts doing all of the same old things.

It's easier to just complain about them than actually change them, isn't it?

Well, yes, quite frankly, it is. And if I had an unlimited lifespan in which to eventually get around to doing stuff I might be content to continue putting off those changes that I'd like to see happen in my life. And, since I'm doubtful that I'll find that magic wand (that's just got to be out there somewhere) I need to do something to make my life and myself more of what I want to be.

If you've read my LJ for a while and looked at the music I listen to you will have seen the name Christine Kane appear from time to time. Christine is an Asheville, NC-based musician whose career I've followed for many years. (We first saw her at The Festival for the Eno, one of the summer shows we've done) I really like her music, lyrics and willingness to do the occasional 'silly' song.

Christine's blog is one of the few musician's blogs that I read on a regular basis. I read it, in large part, because she's an incredibly positive, encouraging voice in the blogosphere. (The subtitle for her blog is, "Be Creative. Be Conscious. Be Courageous.")

Last year Christine blogged about the idea of not making a New Years Resolution but, instead, simply picking a single word and letting it guide your year.

"So, instead of making resolutions - which do little to inspire you - you choose the word “courage.” Courage then becomes what guides you. Each day you focus on that word. When you don’t want to go to the gym, you don’t berate yourself with the threat of your resolution. Instead, you motivate yourself with your word. “Courage.” You say it aloud to remind yourself. And you go because learning how to not be scared of change is exciting to you. The word then builds on itself. You might decide to take a yoga class even though the skinny yoga girls have always scared you. You might find that you have a little more energy with each new thing you try. Maybe this energy motivates you to call an old friend in your field and let her know you are looking for another job. Courage becomes the guiding force, not the harsh standard. (And WAY better for you than a pound of bacon and four eggs for breakfast, too!)

-- Christine Kane, "You Say You Want a Resolution" Blog entry, December 31, 2006

This year she's blogged about it again and I've decided to take her up on the idea.

The only question is, what word to choose?

Well, for me, I started with a list of changes that I'd like to create this year:
  • spend planned time constructively writing
  • clean up and stop creating such clutter in my working environments
  • get in better shape/lose weight
  • put order to and organize those areas of my life that need them
I also took a look at some of the underlying reasons I'm not doing those things already (in no particular order):
  • laziness
  • fear
  • not being conscious of the choices I'm making and/or their consequences
Christine's blog entry for this year has a long list of possible words for people to consider. I read through the list and didn't find one that seemed to sum up everything for me. Intent had a certain appeal, but I heard the echoes of "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" in my head and knew that Intent meant nothing without Constructive Action behind it.

Thinking about it, I quite liked Constructive Action. For a while I thought about choosing this as a Phrase for the Year (instead of a Word for the Year) but it seemed like there was something missing from it. Constructive action in and of itself was fine, but if I'm really looking to create some changes in my life I think a bit more of the underlying cause of the need for the constructive action might be needed.

Despite days of thinking about it, I was having problems coming up with a single word that would encompass all that I wanted it to take in. So, I took the question with me to the quiet of the Quaker meeting yesterday and thought about it.

Purpose was the word that came to me. I sat with it for a while and decided it felt right.

To me, Purpose is a reminder ("I have a purpose to my life that I will act upon"), a question ("What is the purpose of doing this?") and a call for action. ("A thing with valid purpose requires me to do something about it")

Its also a word that has come up in the past when I've looked at the things in my life I haven't liked and wondered how I got to this place. Laziness, a lack of direction, a lack of consciousness and a lack of purpose are the reasons that I've thought when I've looked in the mirror.

So, that's my word for the year. If, after reading Christine's blog entries (and comments) you've decided to try to live the year through a single, simple word, I'd love to know what it is.

And even if you don't choose one yourself, feel free to check in with me throughout the year and ask me how my year with Purpose is going.



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