These books were recommended to me by my fiancé. He also recommended I not read more than the first three, which are: Wizard's First Rule, Wizard's Second Rule, and Wizard's Third Rule Stone of Tears, and Blood of the Fold. Personally, I think the books would have been more aptly named as Wizard's Second and Third Rule, since each book focused more on the Rule, and the Stone of Tears and Blood of the Fold were only minor plot points.
The first book is excellent, and I highly recommend it. However, if you have a weak stomach, avoid the series completely. Goodkind had fun writing about every unspeakable evil he could conceive, over and over and over again. I've been told that the fourth, Temple of the Winds is even worse yet, and I've read about more torture and rape in these three books than in all of the other books I've ever read in my entire life. And no, I don't think that's an exaggeration at all.
I believe these are Goodkind's first novels, and it shows. The beginning of this series is action packed, and his characters are very likable - or extremely hatable - and aside from the violence and evil, a lot of fun. But you can also tell that he's borrowed heavily from every fantasy author who has come before him. I really enjoyed reading them - aside from the few gruesome parts I had to skip or risk losing my lunch - and couldn't even put the first book down. I read the 900 page paperback in about a week, which is really impressive for me these days. But after three, I've had enough. I might read the prequel novel, Debt of Bones though.
My reading list.