Okay, so.
Fuuuuuuck what a cruel ending for Beckett. I don't hate it because it was done right -- Castle ends up with a woman who he has a past with, and has always maintained a relationship with, and he sees Beckett being rather happy and cosy with another person. It's not a dick move on his part, it's just a bunch of very unfortunate timing for her, realizing that she actually cares about him being there and that the superficial flirtation isn't just all superficial flirtation any more. I just felt so dreadful for her. She's not thankfully a stereotypically emotionally shelled 'tough woman' but she has an edge of that, and it was definitely a step for her to admit to having feelings.
A step she didn't get to make. God Stana's acting was good in that scene.
I am so glad they got S3. Happyhappyhappy. September yet?
Hmmmmm. Well, first off, hilarious ep - no doubt about it. A couple of lines that just killed me, like Troy's line about jump-sharking (Troy overall in this episode was A++++ but hey nothing new there) & "Am I 'black boobs'?". There was rather little of Shirley, which was somewhat unfortunate but then, they brought back John Oliver. ♥ YOU ALCOHOLIC BRITISH PONCE ILU.
So. Let's talk about Jeff/Britta. Because half-way through the season, beginning of season, most of the season I wasn't keen on Jeff/Britta. But then the show was like, "But Jeff/Britta have kind of amazing interaction and call each other on their bullshit and it's kind of funny and fabulous, right?" and then they boned and I was actually kind of like, "Right on!". I've grown fonder and fonder of Britta as the season went along, she's just this total goofball and one of the funniest female characters I've seen on TV in a loooong time. Brilliance.
So you know, when they were selling me Jeff/Britta in this episode, I was actually cheering (which I never thought I would be). Because Jeff flirted with Britta before he knew Britta, and by know he really knows her and that's the basis of a good relationship, right? So I can ship it.
And then they throw a total curveball with the Jeff/Annie kiss. And if you'd told me when I was watching 1x10 that this would be the finale I would've been like FUCK YES AWESOME. But now I was just like "..oh. Wait, what?", like where did this come from? And why is it happening NOW?
I was kind of just ..feeling bad for Britta. She put herself out there and confesses her feelings but sadly to a guy who is just the WORST at this shit. Ugh I think I am back to thinking Britta deserves better. And that she should GET better.
So yeah. I'm not sure if I ship Jeff/Annie as hard as I did when I first saw 1x09. Maybe I just need to rewatch that episode to rekindle that affection - I still like the two and think the relationship is great, but I wasn't so sure there was that romantic tension there anymore.
30 ROCK:
I wonder if they're going to have Matt Damon's character as a semi-regular guest. I'd love for Liz to get a permanent boyfriend. With the character being a pilot, he can't be around all the time, but he can be around sometimes and in this show that would probably be for the better, his character wouldn't get tiring and they could all these long-distance relationship issues and Liz could still have her individual storylines.
So it would work from the storytelling angle and also, his character does seem like perfect fit for her.
BUT I STILL LOVED WESLEY SO MUCH OMFG. "Why is your face like that?" & "fancy slippers" OHGOD. I've never seen Michael Sheen in anything, I don't think (maybe an odd British comedy episode somewhere sometime?) but now I want to see him in more stuff. If only they'd actually LIKED each other, they would've been the best couple everrrr.
Oh well. Good episode. 30 Rock keeps being solid & one of the more reliable, fun sitcoms to watch. All hail Fey.