Notes from a ph language lesson by Kiri Dewes, Maori elder (kuia). Lots of these won;t be spelt right, I was told to write them down as I heard them
a - car
e - egg
i - ink
o - or
u - oo, moo
Hello - Kiaora
Te na koi - hello to many people
Koto - all you people (koutou)
I am Jessica - Kor (am) Jessica aho (i),
This is Billy - Kor Billy teane
They - teana
drop the t for plural
How are you - Keite pea koi (look this one up!)
I am fine - Ke te pi
Thank you - Kiora
Ka-pie - good
i - yes
kow - no
Mutua, father
whia (fire) - mother
korka - aunt