♥ ♥ ♥ Tooth and Claw will definitely always be one of my favourite episodes EVER. We don't have any kind of emo but instead lots and lots of happy and fluff. I love that. It's simply the Doctor and Rose enjoying what they do (well, never mind that super, super pretty looking werewolf). The episode looks pretty, feels pretty, the story is pretty and basically the Doctor and Rose make the pretty even prettier. Hell yes.
Damn, and I don't have a proper icon from that episode. Shame.
As a total sucker for fluff, I pretty much die with glee when Rose and the Doctor (and especially Rose and Ten) are being happy and giddy and fluffy. And there is so much of that in this episode!
And your icon definitely fits. "The Satan Pit" may be all with the dark and depressing, but that hug has all the glee of "Tooth and Claw."
This is true, but there's, like...extra sexy. There's sexy piled on top of the regular sexy. If he is a sexy sundae, someone tossed on a spare sexy cherry.
Comments 32
Tooth and Claw will definitely always be one of my favourite episodes EVER. We don't have any kind of emo but instead lots and lots of happy and fluff. I love that. It's simply the Doctor and Rose enjoying what they do (well, never mind that super, super pretty looking werewolf).
The episode looks pretty, feels pretty, the story is pretty and basically the Doctor and Rose make the pretty even prettier. Hell yes.
Damn, and I don't have a proper icon from that episode. Shame.
And your icon definitely fits. "The Satan Pit" may be all with the dark and depressing, but that hug has all the glee of "Tooth and Claw."
Just pointing this out, but when does DT not look sexy, LMAO.
...and now I want ice cream.
This is one of my favourite episodes ever & all four of these reasons are exactly why. :DD
Love this picspam. ♥
Thank you!
Looooove this picspam! ♥
(Thank you!)
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