Player Information
Name: Mel
Personal Journal:
maiiauContact Info: aim: ninthbluestar; plurk: maiiau
Other Characters: Lithuania
Character Information
Name: Iceland
Source Canon: Axis Powers Hetalia: Nyotalia
Age: 1037; physically late teens
Role In Canon: Iceland is a minor character in the Hetalia manga, and the representation of Iceland. The female version is a canon AU.
manga Personality: Iceland has the air of an exiled princess. Norway, when Iceland was under her control, raised her to be very similar to her older sister, and so Iceland does have a bit of an air of princess coolness to her at times. Under Norway while life was not necessarily easy, it was not as difficult as it would be. It was then when Iceland focused on the arts more than anything--writing especially. It wasn't until Norway was devastated by the plague and eventually entered a union with Denmark that Iceland was properly introduced to a more mundane sort of reality that only seemed to get worse for a long time. Bit by bit the dresses of her youth had to be put away for practical work clothes, the girl who stayed at home during raids had to learn to defend her people from pirates, and the cold shell formed over the usually passionate girl.
Iceland has learned to expect the worst to some degree. From famine to plague to volcanoes, she has terrible luck, and because of her isolation even those who might want to help her often can't reach her. To some degree she pushes away help before it can arrive--or rather, before it doesn't arrive, so she is not let down by its lack. She expects to have to take care of herself, and behaves in that manner. There's always an undercurrent of some sort of passionate urge even when she is acting ice cold, which can make her moods seem more sudden than they are. It isn't uncommon for her to suddenly be furious to the point of throwing things when she seemed fine a moment ago--she really wasn't fine at all, just playing at being so. She has been known to burst into tears under similar circumstances. Iceland is less likely to have extreme moments of happiness due to her pessimistic nature, but they do happen on occasion.
That isn't to say she is emotionless now, far from it (in fact, she's more willing to display her emotions than her male counterpart). Much like her volcanoes, her emotion tend to burn through to the surface, and emotional eruptions are not uncommon. When she feels something she feels it passionately, and can come across as having some wicked mood swings at times. If she makes a decision while feeling strongly in one direction, expect it to be changed later with her mood.
Iceland can often come across as mysterious or disconnected. She is an island prone to isolation, and as such her priorities are very much her own. While in the modern day this has lessened somewhat as connecting with both continental Europe and the rest of the world is easier, it hasn't really changed. She doesn't connect quickly to others, used to being at a distance and preferring it to some degree. She is shy, although it isn't always immediately obvious.
This isn't to say Iceland enjoys being alone all the time, however. In fact, she is often lonely due to her extended period of isolation, and does try to seek friends, if in a somewhat awkward way. While also interested to romance, she tends toward shorter flings, both due to her job and her capriciousness. Iceland is also very family-oriented: her sisters and her people will always come first. She's more individualistic than her sisters, but in spite of their teasing, she would do a lot for them. Norway in particular she looks up to and holds above the others as her favorite, her Big Sister (though this is very rarely said).
Iceland's individualism also harkens back to her status as a settled, isolated island. To not be able to take care of yourself is to die. This doesn't mean everyone looked out only for themselves, simply that when things grew tough it was expected everyone would focus in on those most important to them. Being able to hold your own and pull your own weight, therefore, is important. There is emphasis on a community standing together, and on unity, as well, but Iceland believes this unity is best served by each member of the community also being able to stand on their own and provide their unique insight into a situation: maybe that weird kid could come up with a way to earn money faster, or improve methods of fish catching, after all.
Iceland can be considered a tomboy. She doesn't really own skirts or dresses, participates in more athletic, physical activities such as horseback riding, and doesn't seem to care much about acting girly. This is in part old, practical habit ingrained: after Norway was not taking care of her, she had to do more and more things on her own, which required losing the long dresses in favor of clothes more suited to doing work and moving around in. To some degree it is also in her culture: Iceland is very integrated gender-wise, and it's just not really that important to her. Third, she is just genuinely fond of pants and shorts.
Abilities: As a country, Iceland is nearly immortal: you would have to kill her people and their culture to kill her. In the Gardens, she will be a bit stronger, have more endurance, heal faster, that sort of thing. Of note is the economy: Iceland's is having difficulties at the moment, and so she will reflect this in that she will be sick. It won't be too obvious except when she exerts herself for the most part, although she may have days where she just wants to lay in bed.