Title: Sneak Preview (was Babysitting Duty, renamed to avoid confusion with the Pearl log)
Characters Involved: Spark Brushel and Trucy Enigmar
Approximate Time of Day: 3 PM
Location: Sidewalk outside Cedar-Sinai Hospital, maybe an ice cream parlor later?
Summary (so far): Spark tries to pump Trucy for Troupe Gramarye gossip. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
Completed: [y/n]
Another day, another dead-end. It was a good thing Spark Brushel, intrepid reporter, didn't let a little thing like that bother him.
On the one hand, Zak had run off without a single hint as to what was going on with Magnifi Gramarye. That in and of itself held the beginnings of a story. He'd already scribbled down the beginning. "Silence was the only answer to the question of the future of Troupe Gramarye..."
On the other hand, a series of unanswered questions wasn't a full story. Not in his editor's eyes, it wasn't. No, he needed more. He needed a new source. And he had just the idea where to start. Zak had left behind the perfect interviewee, who was well-acquainted with Troupe Gramarye and all of the players. "Breaking News: Daughter of Famous Magicians Gives First Exclusive Interview, end quote".
On the other other hand, the interview subject in question was eight. And she was currently looking up at him curiously. Spark grinned down at her, extending a hand. "Good afternoon!"