So... my parents are coming to visit this weekend. They haven't seen my house in 5 years. On the one hand, I'm pretty excited.
On the other hand... OMG!
LOL. They refuse to stay at a hotel, so I have to figure out how many towels for 4 people x 3 nights, and buy food for my refrigerator. I don't own a coffee maker. I'm not sure what they're going to do in the mornings. They're not really "let's stop by Starbucks" kind of people. I'm sure I'll forget something, but I'm trying not to panic.
Meanwhile I'm wondering.. where will I hide? I'm a super-Introvert. House is not much bigger than my old apartment. Not sure how I will get my alone time, but I'm hoping Monday will be an opportunity to breathe.
Second topic... I got a phone message yesterday from someone I haven't talked to in YEARS.
This wouldn't be significant, except it was from the 1st and only person I ever dated (briefly). I sorta flipped out at first... but then after I returned the call it was ok. Nothing weird or awkward, just catching up. We interned at the same place, so it's always interesting to hear how life would have been if I'd chosen the other fork in the road.
Last but not least... I made some banana bread yesterday, and brought it in to work. I left it in the kitchen to see what would happen. It's a surefire way to test recipes... or to get rid of unwanted leftovers. ;)
Lo and behold... there's only like 1 corner left. The rest disappeared. I'm pretty amazed. I actually thought it was kinda dry (saw this Public Broadcasting show on the chemistry of making good brownies... my saturated/unsaturated fat ratio was off).
Hm. Not too bad.