things to do when you can't sleep

Jan 29, 2011 07:29

1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do Step One.

1. Ben Linus
2. Claire Littleton
3. Desmond Hume
4. Ilana
5. Jacob
6. Jack Shephard
7. Juliet Burke
8. Kate Austen
9. Samuel
10. Sun Kwon

First Time, 4 and 6 (Jack, Ilana)

Jack's full of silent apologies for Christian; Ilana swears she knows those sad green eyes.

Angst, 7 (Juliet)

She cries, not for the pain - but because she can't remember the lyrics to Downtown.

AU, 1 and 8 (Ben, Kate)

Ben only regrets at inappropriate times (I'm sorry about Sawyer), tugging off her borrowed dress.

Threesome, 3, 6 and 9 (Desmond, Jack, Samuel)

"You're special," they're told, thrown aside when the island no longer needs them.

Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 (Jacob, Sun)

Trapped between lives, she curses his name; Jacob wishes he had more than "I'm sorry."

Crack fic, 1 (Ben)

One dream she's a tiny blond, tall brunette the next; eyes always cold, fickle, fickle.

Horror, 10 (Sun)

Being reborn, re-washed ashore every morning is her hell; she would rather remain in pieces.

Baby fic, 5 and 9 (Jacob, Samuel)

Aaron sleeps sound in his mother's arms, unaware they're fighting his battles for him.

Dark, 2 and 8 (Claire, Kate)

Sometimes she imagines Kate slipping in the shower; pretends an accident would leave Claire guiltless.

Death fic, 2 and 3 (Claire, Desmond)

Her tears are buried under guilty kisses, and he wishes she'd blame him for Charlie.

this is your brain on lost, writing, oh look a meme

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