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(Courses, Descriptions, and Syllabi under the cuts)
Integrated Science
MS 1-2 (7th and 8th Grade)
An year-long course involving Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth/Space Science, the Integrated Science Core curriculum places emphasis on understanding and implementing Scientific Thinking and encouraging students to be active learners as they observe, inquire, question, formulate and test hypotheses, analyze data, report, and evaluate findings. The students, as scientists, discover hands-on, active experiences throughout the instruction of the science curriculum.
Aka- Eighth Grade Core Science. A mandatory course, it's simple, general, and though usually taken by MS 2 students, Seventh graders are welcome to take it and get it out of the way, especially if they have plans to take a harder course the next year. This is also where you're going to make your toothpick bridges, solar-system models, and baking-soda volcanoes, kiddies.
Unit 1 - Intro to Science
1B - Scientific Investigation and the Scientific Method
Unit 2 - Matter
2B - Changes in Matter
Unit 3 - The Periodic Table
3B - Classification using the Periodic Table
Unit 4 - Atoms and Atomic Structure
Unit 5 - Physical vs. Chemical Properties
5B - Physical and Chemical Changes
5C - Compounds, Mixtures, Reactions
Unit 6 - Motions, Forces, and Energy
6A - Force and Motion
6B - Fluid Forces
6C - Machines
Unit 7 - Rocks and Minerals
7B - Rocks, Fossils, and Geological Time
Unit 8 - Geology, Geologic Events, Geologic Time Scale
8B - Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes
Unit 9 - Ecology
9A - Carbon Cycle, Hydrogen Cycle, Water Cycle
9B - Earth's Oceans, Food Webs, and Technology
9C - Natural Selection and Adaptation
Unit 10 - Energy Forms and Resources
Unit 11 - Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate
Unit 12 - Astronomy and The Solar System
12B - Technology and Space Exploration
Unit 13 - Cells and Microbiology
13A - Cell Function and Structure
13B - Microbes and Microbial Pathogens
13C - Human Health
Physical Science
MS 2-3 (8th and 9th grade)
Fundamental principles of physics, chemistry, and earth science are explored constructively as they relate to the environment and technology. Students will not only learn scientific principles and concepts, but also to apply the content knowledge through a variety of experiments using chemicals and instrumentation not commonly used in other disciplines.
Introduction to chemistry and physics in fairly simple, generic terms. Typically the Ninth Grade Core, it can also be taken by Eighth Graders who've already had Integrated Science or some equivalent. This class is a breeze for advanced students but a little tougher than IS. Axel's fairly lenient and tries to keep it fun since it's required and he knows it can be a bit frustrating for those who aren't really on the hard-core academic path.
Unit 1 - Intro and Safety
Unit 2 - Scientific Measurement
Unit 3 - Motion
Unit 4 - Force and Gravity
Unit 5 - Work and Machines
Unit 6 - Energy
6B - Transfer of Energy
Unit 7 - Waves
Unit 8 - Electricity and Magnetism
8B - Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves
Unit 9 - States of Matter
Unit 10 - Atoms, Elements, Compounds, Molecules
10B - Atomic Structure
Unit 11 - The Periodic Table
Unit 12 - Physical and Chemical Properties/Changes
12B - Chemical Formulas
12C - Acids and Bases
Unit 13 - Compounds, Mixtures, and Reactions
Unit 14 - Chemical Bonding
14B - Chemical vs. Nuclear Reactions
Introduction to General Chemistry*
MS 3; HS 1-2 (9th-11th grade, 8th with admin permission)
This is a basic but comprehensive chemistry class surveys important concepts and topics of chemistry. Among these are the metric system of measurement, atomic theory of matter, energy levels and atomic structure, the periodic table, ionic and molecular compounds, ionic and covalent bonding, chemical reactions, and reaction equations and calculations. Laboratory work in an important part of this course. At least two prior Science credits required to enroll.
*Laboratory fee applicable.
Chem. This class is Axel's baby and where he's probably gonna show some kids how to blow some shit up. It's an elective class but one that looks good and still counts for creds, but be warned not a class to be taken lightly as it's work-intensive and may even require some lab hours outside of class. If you show real interest Axel will do whatever he can to work with you and if lab fees are an issue, he's willing to let you work it off doing prep and clean-up.
Unit 1 - Introduction to Chemistry
Unit 2 - Matter and Energy
Unit 3 - Atomic Structure
3B - Electronic Structure of Atoms
Unit 4 - Periodicity
Unit 5 - Nomenclature and Bonding
Unit 6 - Basics of Chemical Bonding
Unit 7 - Mathematics of the Chemical Formula
7B - Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories
Unit 8 - Chemical Equations
8B - Chemical Particles
Unit 9 - Stoichiometry
Unit 10 - Gases
10B - Gas Laws
Unit 11 - Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter
Unit 12 - Solutions
12B - Reactions in Solution
Unit 13 - Thermochemistry
13 B - Thermodynamics
Unit 14 - Acids and Bases
Unit 15 - Chemical Kinetics
Unit 16 - Chemical Equilibrium
Unit 17 - Aqueous Equilibria
17B - Aqueous Equilibria II
Unit 18 - Electrochemistry
Unit 19 - Organic and Biochemistry
Unit 20 - Nuclear Chemistry