Jan 23, 2002 19:08
a fat girl asked me
"hey today is thursday, right?"
(i thought)
flamicidal's dead
like my moms old cat sarah
drag it through the mud
thirty two days late
movie i returned today
late fee makes me poor
bratworst sausages
on a bun with hot mustard
where are you, my love
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Comments 6
skratch the record back and forth
the gee-tar is dead
einstein rejected
quantum physics so its up
to me to save it
drunk and twenty-one
i down this bottle of an
s.o.s. message
someone thinks I'm cool and said
"you gotta post here!"
an ic broadcast
promises hot dirty sex
the santa cruz way
oh, not only that
but witty conversation!
(a man who thinks with both heads?)
who is this stranger
bearing the best of both worlds
and when's the next flight?
southwest roundtrip fair dirt cheap
i'm holding my breath
little coyote
broadcast is not an "i c"
it is an L C
damn, sam. no respect
and the goths grow impatient
i hear draculas
doctor's prognosis
don't cry girl in bar alone
fatties shouldn't talk
if you are concerned
give your scene an enema
and light it on fire
as i was saying
subtlety is not dirty
but it is sexy
it's a good poem
but it just wasn't dirty
i want it dirty
girl, show me the dirt
on maryin manson's cock
where you sniff coke from
whoa! i like yr style
no one says gay like that here
santa cruz is gay
heart, c.lint
ps-eat it
share drinks over shit that's gay
tears turn to laughter
mmm, say it again
subtlety is so sexy
but you want dirty?
i don't know, lint trap,
do i know you well enough
for the spin cycle?
gay is online sex
so gay so gay so gay so
breathe, and fix my seams
and make a return
to the sexy subtleties
of the first haiku
chicks like dinner first
i will order the lobster
and see yr backseat
which makes me a whore
which is kind of a turn on
i think i'll undress
and your anaonimity
seems to make you brave
if we met and spoke
would you still be as brazen
to order lobster
that shit is dirty
but it remains subtle:
i will fix yr seam
no sleep to be had
for the neighbors or housemates:
my bed is noisey
this shit is too soon?
what the fuck am i thinking?
there is no too soon
drop me an email
to let me know te llamas
yo me llamo clint
hasta, puta
[end broadcast]
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