Beechbone: *hoom, hom*
Del: *wanders aimlessly about the forest*
Bb: Good afternoon...Mistress Asphodel?
Del: O.o! *looks up* Beechy?
Del: How did you know it was me?
Bb: Why would I not recognize you?
Del: *sigh*
Bb: Your presence is that of Asphodel Brandybuck.
Bb: Did you get a haircut? Or something that I would notice better from closer up?
Del: You may want to look closer, yes.
Bb: *transforms into a human* !!!!!!
Bb: You're an elf!
Del: *sighs again* Yes. thing have changed.
Bb: I assumed as much. How was Mandos?
Del: Big. confusing. Easy to get lost in.
Bb: See any ents there? *hopeful*
Del: No. I ended up in the dwarf ward for a bit though. *shudders*
Bb: *comforts* There, there. At least it was only temporarily.
Del: Yes. But I come back, and everything has changed.
Bb: How so, besides the new body, new wardrobe and shiny weapons?
Del: Everyone seems to have changed.
Bb: I'm still the same.
Bb: But Telperion left. :'(
Del: That and the fact that I am largely ignored. Not like before where it was hatred that caused people to ignore me, but I honestly don't think anybody knows I exist.
Del: *pats Beechy* I know you and Telperion were good friends.
Bb: They might not have recognized you.
Bb: I miss him...Are you sure you didn't see any ents in Mandos?
Del:I'm sure you do. And there might have been ents, I wasn't really looking. I'm sorry.
Bb: You didn't know to look...It's just that Arda is a very large place and I don't like thinking that I'm the only ent...loneliness and a whole lot of responsibility. Enough about me, is there anything I can do to help you?
Del: *very small voice* Could you take me home?
Bb: The Shire?
Del: Yes. I miss it so.
Bb: Ok. Ent express to the Shire! *transforms*
Del: thank you so much Beechy! *is about to cry*
Bb: Offers leaf in lieu of handkerchief*
Bb: *picks up Del and races off at very fast turbo ent-taxi speeds*
Del: *arrives in the Shire* I needed to see my home again Beechy. Thank you.
Bb: That is understandable. I think I will go over to the old forest to visit Old Man Willow.
Del: *smiles* I'll give you a holler when I'm ready to go. alright?
Bb: Yes. *wave*
Del: *heads towards her smial*
Bb: *heads towards the Old Forest*