I was looking at my 2009 resolution list and I'm pleasantly surprised at how many obstacles I've conquered. I'm pretty damned proud of myself.
1. I will not let my back/ neck problems dictate my life. I can now run a mile and a half and do 8 push-ups.
2. I will not prevent myself from moving forward toward a career. I have re-taken one class and ROCKED it, and am currently trying to get into a graduate class for this spring.
3. I will not overspend. I have been BETTER, MUCH better, but I still need a lot of work.
4. I will not make impulsive purchases just because there is money in the bank. See above comment.
5. I will not allow myself to hate my body. I am still critical of my body, but I'm happier with it than I have ever been, and I definitely don't hate it. I kinda like it actually. =)
6. I will not obsess over my weight. This will probably never change, and as long as I'm healthy about it, I'm okay with this now.
7. I will not mentally bash myself for indulging once in a while. I just spent three days living on Fudge and Peanut Brittle. And it was wonderful. =)
8. I will not forget birthdays. Been better, but still not good enough.
9. I will not give a gift without a card. See above.
10. I will not take the people I love, and who love me, for granted. - This will always be a work in progress. This is something that never gets to the finish line. I learned that in 2009.
I also plan on making a collage of my hopes and desires. I want something I can see, that I can look at everyday to help remind me of where I need to be mentally, emotionally and physically so that I can be the best wife, friend, daughter, sister and Amy that I can be. I never got to this. I'm going to aim to create on by the end of January.
Here is my 2010 list (in no particular order):
1. Love myself, and in doing so, love others better.
2. Get to know my boundaries, emotionally and physically.
3. Finish a half marathon.
4. Climb Half Dome.
5. 20 Push-ups.
6. Learn to live under our means instead of at them.
7. Get life insurance and write-up the "in case something happens" paperwork.
8. Honor my body and soul.
9. Go with random impulses to read and/or release creative energy.
10. Floss daily.
11. Try at least two new recipes per month.
12. Learn how to satisfy my gourmet food cravings at home.
13. Spend more time with Baylee.
14. See at least one theatre performance.
15. Find a peaceful way to escape the world without requiring an airport.