(Last time...)Sherry was in the spotlight again. I was not jealous or anything ( >.> ), but at first I wondered why is it always her who gets the fame? I mean, Ashmione and I have been in our share of battles
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0_O Dark days are ahead of us little Sherry, for there is trouble ahead, trouble so grave that...dare I say...could mean the end for the joyful times here at Centworts. *bows head in memory of Ledric the great and friendly*
*spirit of Ledric hover over everyone* My dear and loyal friends, your thought have give me strenght. I happy to stay I am not lost, I will rejoin you someday but for now your prayers and thoughts give me strengh and courage to keep moving.
(Sorry Ren it took me so long to read this, I do love these entires =^_^=)
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(Sorry Ren it took me so long to read this, I do love these entires =^_^=)
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