A common problem with the protestant work ethic is that people feel that it's evil not to work. You can thank the pilgrams for that. You do realize that in ancient times (I'm talking socrates times; ancient rome, greece, etc.) you would be looked DOWN upon if you actually had to work? Now that's the right kind of thinking IMO. Hell, in some places in Europe, vacations are manditory. They still take the same view of work over there... I may have to move there! Society doesn't need everybody working all of the time, just some people working some times. It'd work out well. Instead of laying off people when you're loosing money, cut the hours. It works out better in the long run. (That's probably one reason why the japanese have the highest suicide rates. there are actually people working themselves to death. The japanese department of health has recommended that people take weekends off, and actually use vacation time, to benifit their health!)
-Your friendly neighborhood professional vacationer Tom
Comments 2
P.S. with what you put at the end, you stole an even bigger part of me...
-Your friendly neighborhood professional vacationer
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