Merlinchu! I choose you!

Dec 11, 2011 01:52

So this is all I have for 4x10, which I watched tonight right before 4x11:

Obviously, the car has been pulled up to the cells in Camelot. That's Merlin in the front seat, there.

Such a cute episode! Mistress 'M' (how the hell do we spell her name?) was a cool chick. Not sure I'm a fan of 'HEY I'M A PART OF THE BOYS' CLUB TOO THEREFORE I AM TOTALLY RELATABLE AND AWESOME! ARTHUR, PLEASE LET ME CONTINUE TO DEFAULT TO YOUR MOST DERIVATIVE MASCULINE PARADIGM AS A MEANS OF PUTTING YOU AT EASE' route but I think the actress played it in a chill way, so meh meh whatevs. Also it was hilarious seeing Merlin as the totes unimpressed sassy gay friend this episode. And the shallow part of my brain was just GUUUURRRL YOU SHOULD'VE RETHOUGHT THOSE SHOULDER PADS CAUSE YOUR HIPS AREN'T CARRYING IT OFF. /derp

Gwen's gypsy outfit was wtf hilarious. Fabulous color on her, though. Moar purples for Gwen! And Katie's acting was surprisingly kickass in her Morgana/Gwen scenes this ep, so I call that a plus! Even if she was being a heinous baddie to sweet doe-Gwen. Awww, Gwen as a deer. *wibbles a bit*

Also Agravaine is still Pinky.

The funny thing about watching two episodes in a row is seeing fun little character patterns that might've been around for a bit but which I have not noticed until now. Like Merlin's passive aggressive, half-mad monologues and asides. LOL show, L O L. I will always take more of Merlin being a ridiculous little goober.

And this, because it made me snort laughing. itachitachi, I'm looking at you.

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funnies, professional crastination, merlin, season 4

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