Title: The Marvey Chronicles
Pairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross
Other characters: Louis Litt, Norma, Donna Paulsen, Jessica Pearson, Seth Keller
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4,521
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: harrassment in the workplace, minor injuries, creepy Seth
Summary: The Pearson-Hardman employees fangirl over Harvey/
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Comments 8
When the team-builder started talking trust exercises that 1st one was the one I thought of immediately. Then the 1st thought that popped into my head was 'I hope Norma drops him' and she DID!! LOL I love you for that! Well...I love you for lots of reasons, but at this very moment that tops the list! LOL Ah, I love having a brain twin. :)
And their tango...ohmygod!!! Freakin hilarious. Go Norma!
Marvey...awwwwww. I love you guys.
Lex and Seth....Ahahahaha!!! Seth is so stupid. But, wow, he's very entertaining. :D
Poor Jessica. LOL
More more more.
I'm relieved that so far nobody has complained about how little Harvey and Mike appear in this chapter. I was a little worried XD
Description is one of my weak points so I suffered while describing those exercises, but hopefull it was understandable :D
Can you imagine how LOLful it's going to be if we get to see Norma in season 2 and realize she's nothing like this? XD If that happens, I'll have to add 'OOC Norma' in the warning! I feel for Jessica but she'll see brighter days soon enough XD
Thank you for your fun comment <333
And Harvey may think high-fiving is in poor taste, but we all know he'll give the occasional fist-bump with the right (blue-eyed) incentive, so...
Fist-Bump Baby! =3
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