Last person you...
1. Saw: Jayme (in the front office of my apartment. turns out she's actually in my physiology class)
2. Talked to on the phone: my mom...she totally misses me :-)
3. Texted: Kathryn...but that was a long time ago
4. Got a message from: uh, Kathryn texted me on Saturday...and Daveen messaged me on MySpace
1. Wearing: hoodie and jeans. and slippers. brr cold room.
2.Better than yesterday: meh. yesterday meant i didn't get up early. but other than that today is good. i worked out, so that's good.
3. What were you doing two hours ago: pulling stuff out of the locker at RPAC
1. Is: Tuesday
2. Got any plans: class, RPAC, and some homework
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: i don't want to go to class till 4:48. and i don't want to get up at 6:15.
1. A Cuddler?: very much so.
2. A morning person?: i'm more of a morning person than an evening person. when it comes to sewing...i'm an afternoon person.
3. Are you a perfectionist?: pretty much all the time. i can't escape it.
4. An only child?: nopers. and i don't think i'd like being one. who would i complain about?!
5. Religious?: no. i'm not. i vaguely wish that i was because perhaps it would add something to my life.
6. In your pajamas?: no. i'm in my post-workout shower clothes
7. Left handed?: naw.
1. Number: i really don't have one. the first number than popped into my head when i thought about it was "27". so uh, that.
2. Season: Fall...even though it seems colder this year.
1. Missing someone: my family. my little bro was going through some tough times, and i'd really like to be there for him. alas, the phone will have to suffice.
2. Mood: tired. and lethargic? i feel like there's got to be something i need to do, but i can't think of it.
3. Wanting: to stop worrying about other people. i really don't know what to do about it.
Q: First thing you did this morning?
A: groaned. 6:15 already?
Q: Last thing you ate?
A: black grapes. yummmm.
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: oh dear god, yes.
Q: What's annoying you right now?
A: relationships, friendships. i feel like something needs to happen to clear the air, ya know?
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: yep.
Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?
A: my mom
Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: well, since i said i wasn't an only child up there...yes.
Q: Do you smile often?
A: sure. but certainly not all the time. last night was a lot of smiling and laughing.
Q: Do you think that a person is thinking of you?
A: i would like to think so. also, i hope someone is thinking of me fondly.
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: not often, but sometimes.
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: when you first meet me? probably not. i'm shy which apparently comes off as bitchy. i don't think that's who i am (but people can think what they want!)
Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: grey. go bucks.
Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?
A: i love this question. uh, i think it's been like...8 years? forever.
Q: Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?
A: girls. though really, i only have a handful of friends.
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: not here. at home i have my kitties who hate me (but i LOVE them!)
Q: Do you get angry easily?
A: yes. it's very unfortunate. however, unless i feel close enough to someone to yell at them, i usually just stew about whatever. it makes my mood bad.
Q: What was your last thought before you went to sleep last night?
Q: What are you about to do?
A: eat lunch and take a nap. i need to be able to stay awake during polymers.
Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10:
A: 8. i'm stressed out about what i should be doing for school, both in homework/sr. design project, and school for the future.