Hating the police?...

Jun 10, 2009 13:49

You know it really is a terribly mistake that I think far too many people are making these days, the hating of police. So many people love to have a field day at their expense when a questionable video appears. If anyone would think about it they almost NEVER really get the whole story of film. Police aren’t going to just start pummeling and shooting at someone just for shits and giggles. What nobody seems to really understand is that this is their JOB. They are out there just about every day patrolling the streets serving and protecting. There is nobody to protect them but themselves and each other. A move that may seem harmless to anyone at any time such as reaching into a pocket or turning around to face the other way CAN spell out death to a police man or someone they are trying to protect. It is very important to do what the police ask you to do. Doing otherwise simply creates cause for suspicion on their part. I reiterate when I say that police potentially face bodily harm and death with every encounter. If people have nothing to hide they should be able to just do as they instructed to. I find it disgusting that everyone cries and whines police brutality every time an officer pulls a baton or his fire arm! Everyone just wants to take the blame off of themselves and force the consequences of their actions onto someone else! It is a foul display of weakness and a circus of deception. Simply because you are arrested does NOT mean that you are guilty of anything! It simply means that you are in question. I reiterate again. If you have nothing to hide or worry about then you have no worries! So the next time you see a video on youtube with a cult fallowing of police bashers, watch it without bias and just see if there is more to be told than what is being said in the footage.
Now for the second half of things. I am not saying that the police are always angels and the power doesn’t get to some of their heads. As much as they say they are the law, they really are not. They are delivery boys and maintainers of the law. The real law part comes in the trials and courts [which is where the bad shit happens.] The real corruption is in the law itself not in the police officers that enforce it.
My advice is simple. Obey the law in the best way that you can. If there is a time when it is just to disobey the law then disobey it, but not just you yourself. Organize and protest in a peaceful manner. Violence is NOT the answer here. It never is when police are involved. Do what a police officer asks. Have nothing to hide and even if you do, comply with the law when caught. You will only make matters worse if you resist after being caught. Failure to comply or appropriately communicate with an officer is when these bad things happen. Now, should you comply with all of this and find yourself in a situation where a police officer IS abusing his position and there has been an injustice towards you. Remain calm and continue to comply with the officer. Remain as polite as possible while trying to retain every event in your mind. Try to get proof of the incident that is NOT questionable and appeal to the court appropriately. Making a scene with the individual officer will only cause problems! This is what many people seem too stupid to realize!
That’s all for my rant I suppose. It is too long as it is though I still have much much more to say. As with my previous rant I would like to hear opinions. I am more than willing to discuss the matter in a civil fashion and look forward to hearing even contradicting opinions.
Thank you all the readers for your time! :)
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