Name: Nicole
Age: 19
about you
Strengths: Funny, kind, open-minded, genuine, romantic, passionate, loyal, laidback, compassionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, quick-tempered, lazy, selfish, stubborn
*Likes: Harry Potter, music, politics, reading, stamping
*Dislikes: Intolerance, ignorance, prejudice, arrogance, slow drivers, Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewart
What do you look for in a friend?: Someone that I can have fun with and trust and someone that's not dramatic all the time.
*Favourite character: Unfortunately, I have never seen this show so I don't have one! :(
*Least favourite character:
Favourite food: Sushi
Favourite place on earth: Probably Seaside, Oregon. I want to say Ireland, but it would probably be weird to say a place that I've never even been before haha.
this or that
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Laid-back or Obsessive: Laidback
Melancholy or Cheerful: Cheerful
Pensive or Shallow: Pensive
Selfish or Selfless: Eh, both
Mature or Immature: Both
check box
[x] Adventurer
[ ] Greedy
[ ] Ignorant
[x] Caring
[x] Childish
[x] Sweet
options for this theme are here Apps you've voted on: Just Kaela's, all the others were stamped!