That LoT ending the other night...

May 14, 2016 11:19

Cut for Spoilers for Legends of Tomorrow.

So was anyone else incredibly annoyed at the "death" of Captain Cold? He was half the reason I keep watching, and to have him die in such a stupid way... There *had* to be another way to hold down that stupid thing in the Oculus. A weapon to wedge in there, freeze it, melt it, shrink down and jam it... I dunno.

I also don't understand why the show keeps forcing these relationships. Ray and Kendra have zero chemistry (not that Kendra and Carter have any more), and I was really digging the Snart/Sara friendship. They don't need to become a "thing," and men and women can just be friends.

I've really been rooting for this show, but it drives me crazy, too. It hasn't yet earned the crazy the way Smallville did.

Well, there's still an episode left, so we'll see where that takes us.

...I mean somewhere other than space and time. :P
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