... which is one of the many reasons that I will never be a lady. And now, cut to protect your innocent eyes from excessive uses of CAPS LOCK
I can't begin to describe your gross ineptitute. Is there a test centre in Dublin? Isn't there? I don't know and NEITHER DO YOU. Does your website have anyway to get in touch with you? Phone number, e-mail address, frequency for Morse Code transmissions? YOUR DAMN RIGHT IT DOESN'T.
FINALLY, you update the website (after, I would like to point out, the deadline for OXBRIDGE applications) to say that the Dublin test centre is undergoing "hardware upgrades". HOW CAN THE HARDWARE FOR A *NEW* TEST CENTRE NEED TO BE UPGRADED? I'M DYING TO KNOW! You're not sure when it will be open again, but "these centres are still expected to open in good time for Oxbridge deadlines". Yes. Because you have proved yourself to be a trustworthy institution and everything. P.S. the oxbridge deadline is in a week and a half. Where does the line on "in good time" get drawn?
Of course, none of this would matter if you had a phone number WHICH YOU DON'T.
If I knew where the hell you were I'd be beating you with a stick, Ash.
I go and you say "Don't worry. That is only a trial test and won't actually count for anything ever"
Then you say 'actually there's a new centre opening in Dublin. You can do it there'.
Then I say "actually, such a centre is a myth. it does not exist"
Then you say "no problem, you can take it here when you come over to Cambrdige"
Then you say "Actually, could you go up to Northern Ireland to take it?"
NO. I CAN'T FUCKING GO UP TO NORTHERN IRELAND TO TAKE IT. MAYBE IF YOU HAD TOLD ME THAT WHEN I RANG YOU A MONTH AGO I COULD HAVE. I AM GOING TO BUDAPEST AT THE WEEKEND. BUDA. PEST. How do I fit a round trip to Belfast into those plans? eh? No problem? I can do it next week? No, I can't, because you've given me a WEEK'S notice. Classy.
No love, Ash.
Expect Valium!Ash to make an appearance soon.