I agree with both of these points. So much. Also? In the group performances, it would be super nice to hear somebody who isn't Rachel. Not that hard to do a different arrangement, y'know, one that doesn't only highlight her.
SERIOUSLY. We get it. Bitch has pipes. I just don't get why she has to entirely dominate every song performance atm. Didn't they have a better distribution than this? I can't even remember the last Mercedes solo, or hell, even Kurt, much less the lesser characters. It's ridic.
Plus, I have to say, Rachel's voice really doesn't suit every type of song. I actually don't think she worked at all for the Britney Spears' numbers. Her voice is very power ballad/broadway.
It is honestly just excessive. I could tolerate a solo at the end of every episode if they'd distribute them around, but honestly the show is just becoming more and more formulaic. It's like 'Episode opening, Rachel/Finn Drama, supporting character gets brief scene, Will/Sue drama, Rachel/Finn reconciliation, Rachel solo'. It's ridiculous.
I kind of started feeling that way about a lot of television a long time ago and I just kind of got over television as a whole. Is that terrible? My finace used to watch so much TV it was like a second fucking job. I can't imagine doing that anymore. Particularly with Glee though -- just to stay on track -- I just gave up on the hokiness of it, I was really over the girl that played Rachel's face, and I was kind of sick of seeing the coach/antagonist be such a evil-sociopathic bitch. I want people to change and develop, and it knew it wasn't gonna happen the way I wished it would.
Lol, honestly, I love TV and watch way too much of it to. But I agree about Rachel though. At least at the start there was a character you could kind of emotionally engage with, but they've just made her into more and more of a caricature and it's ridiculous. I have no empathy for her now. Although, lol, I do love Sue, the cheerleading coach. She has the best one liners.
I agree with both of those points. Though it bothered me even more last week because it was just SO redundant. We get that she's a stroppy puppy about everything by now, kthx.
Man, Will was so annoying in this whole episode. He's usually a pretty crummy teacher (you know, projecting his ginormous issues on them all) but he doesn't usually grind on his students onstage :p.
Also, that pervy Jacob boy needs to go. Why was he moaning all the tiiiime? My brain, ewwwww.
Will was SO ANNOYING. He doesn't normally bug me that much, but I've never liked Will/Emma. I honestly think that they are so, so wrong for each other, which sucks, because they're obviously going to be endgame. I actually really like Terri/Will because she makes him both more tolerable and enormously more interesting. I think that they've actually got more chemistry as well (prepares to be shot) and there's actually something passionate between them, even if it's messed up. Plus Emma and the dentist have the potential to be super cute. But omg, at Will performing in Toxic. It hardcore squicked me out
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IA with this post and everything it chooses to be!
But seriously, I actually like both Will and Rachel. A lot. They're great characters and I appreciate their flaws because perfect characters would be boring as fuck and its nice to see some people on TV who make the wrong decisions once in a while and don't always just "learn from it".
But that last solo was seriously overkill and a completely out of place. Just spatchcocked right in there for no apparent reason. And Will's behaviour was grossly inappropriate - which would be okay with me if someone would've seriously called him out on it. I mean, in no real school would that've been okay.
I have my moments with both characters tbh. I actually really, really loved Jesse/Rachel, and I wish the show had decided to keep that going or at least ended it on a more definitive note, because at it was, it just kind of stopped right after they implied that Jesse had realtime genuine feelings for her. I thought it really added a lot to Rachel's character having to face her own flaws which were often mirrored in Jesse. Plus they were a lot of fun when they were together. I do like Rachel still, but I just find that they've played up her friendless, diva caricature to as much as an audience is able to tolerate before actual, legitimate character development is needed, and this legitimate character development needs to be more than her braiding her hair and performing another overly dramatic solo. They need her to grow. She can still be a crazy, flawed character, but she needs moments of evident growth that sticks for more than one episode
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Comments 16
Plus, I have to say, Rachel's voice really doesn't suit every type of song. I actually don't think she worked at all for the Britney Spears' numbers. Her voice is very power ballad/broadway.
Man, Will was so annoying in this whole episode. He's usually a pretty crummy teacher (you know, projecting his ginormous issues on them all) but he doesn't usually grind on his students onstage :p.
Also, that pervy Jacob boy needs to go. Why was he moaning all the tiiiime? My brain, ewwwww.
But seriously, I actually like both Will and Rachel. A lot. They're great characters and I appreciate their flaws because perfect characters would be boring as fuck and its nice to see some people on TV who make the wrong decisions once in a while and don't always just "learn from it".
But that last solo was seriously overkill and a completely out of place. Just spatchcocked right in there for no apparent reason. And Will's behaviour was grossly inappropriate - which would be okay with me if someone would've seriously called him out on it. I mean, in no real school would that've been okay.
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