movies i want to see

Nov 17, 2005 02:27

so im on a young marlon brando kick right now...i wanna watch a bunch of his movies.... the god father being the most recent, reflections in a golden eye, Julius Ceasar, and A street car named desire...yes i am a ragin homo haha but go he was so hot....and he just has this lure to him...i just saw him in guys and dolls and have been infatuated ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

if_you_see_kay November 17 2005, 14:20:15 UTC
i just called goodwill...i asked josie, "is this guy dead or something? at least he leaves his voicemail on."

and kohl's isn't bad either. every job has its moments, but lately it has begun to suck. the manager (the big one) is PMSing over everything and the store looks like shit, considering it's the smallest one and there's nowhere to put anything.

i hope goodwill calls me back. it'll be such a big opportunity and it will mean a lot more money coming in.

yay for long comments.


flashboi24 November 17 2005, 21:35:45 UTC
w00t hope goodwill calls u back u could use the steady job and decent income! plus u deserve it


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