Title: Green Leaves and White Berries
darkseeradeptCharacters: Spike, Sam, Team
Word Count: 500… nobody says differently
Prompt: #45 Mistletoe
Rating: T
Warnings: None, No slash this time
Spoilers: Set some time after Aisle 13
Summary: Spikes usual ships of mischief make rocky landings when people don’t go along with tradition. Or they don’t know what the tradition is! My little late Holliday fun/angst.
Disclaimer: All I wanted for Christmas was a sexy blonde Sniper!
Spike waited gleefully from his spot next to Lou and Ed who were standing behind the glass table in the conference room. Casting a quick glance upwards to the doorframe his grin only grew. There, taped harmlessly to the metal door, was a small bunch of green leaves and white berries.
“Really, Spike, I’m sure this may be a violation of some harassment code.” Ed raised an eyebrow looking over at the techie.
The Italian waved his concern off with a flick of his wrist and went back to watching the entrance for any sign of movement. Finally, a few moments later brown eyes widened with amusement as a familiar blonde haired sniper appeared in the doorway looking down at the file he was holding in his hand.
“Hey Ed, did you take a look at…” Sam trailed off when he saw the other three officers staring at him. “Something the matter?” he asked eyeing Spike as the techie motioned for him to stay where he was.
Spike shook his head. “Nope. Just don’t move.”
The sniper raised an eyebrow but stayed where he was.
Brown eyes shot back to the entrance as two pairs of footsteps could be heard getting closer. Spikes shoulders fell when Wordy walked through the doorway but they shot back up again as Donna followed behind him. “Donna, wait!”
The ex-vice officer paused, looking a little shocked. “What is it?”
Spike waved for her to wait there before motioning for Wordy to step forward. As the confused father moved to stand beside the techie it was then when he saw what Spike had been planning. “Oh Spike, I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“Nonsense, Okay, Sam, Donna, on my mark take one step forward then look up okay?”
Sam glanced out of the corner of his eye and Donna looked back at him. They weren’t on the best of terms on a good day, but if it got Spike to shut up, he supposed they could just do as he asked.
Simultaneously Donna and Sam took a step forward and looked up at the top of the doorframe. Donna was the first of to look back down a disgusted look on her face as she moved back beside Wordy. “I’m allergic.” She stated and the entire group watched as Spike deflated a bit.
Hopeful doe like eyes turned to the other blonde who had been caught in his trap. Sam remained standing in the doorway confused blue eyes looking up at the green bunch. “What is that?”
Spike felt his jaw drop a bit, his voice aghast. “It-its Mistletoe…”
“Is it a plant?” Sam reached up and pulled the green dot over his head down to inspect it more closely.
Behind him Ed and the others were laughing as Spike stuttered. “M-mistletoe, the old Christmas tradition where t-two people stand under it a-a-and they have to kiss.” His voice seemed to crack a bit as he asked. “You’ve never used Mistletoe before?”
“I spent the last six Christmas’s in the desert Spike,” Sam looked over the green leafy bunch in his hand before tossing it back to the other man. “I don’t even really celebrate it anymore.”