There's been some progress on the plants, as well as progress on my posting procrastination.
A little while back one of the habs sprouted!
Sadly, since then it only has one sad looking neighbor (not pictured, because it's tiny and a little self conscious), but they were ahead of schedule anyway so I'm not TOO concerned.
The Bhuts have been doing really well though, and they mostly have four leaves now!
Most of the basil did too well for its own good, and I thinned a lot of them out. I need to more, but it's kind of a sad process. I grew them from seeds and now I have to kill them WITHOUT eating them?
The tomatoes certainly seem closest to producing their namesakes, and both plants have little yellow flowers! My limited understanding of life leads me to believe this precedes fruit. The flowers are a little sad looking, as the plants are sometimes. I think I need to adjust my watering routine a bit... they seem to perk up after I water the crap out of dry soil, maybe I'm waiting a bit too long between waterings still? I don't want to OVERwater, as I understand that's common and leads to doom. Plant deathy doom.
This concludes your irregular and unscheduled garden update.