my name is zeb: ok, to 50 vaughn rd. (the park's address), it is 32.02 miles with an estimated total time of 42 minutes, 30 with the way you drive. flatteryxxfades: haha flatteryxxfades: i beg to differ! my name is zeb: uh huh.
i have to work today. i've worked every day since i got back from sc. oh well. i need the money in order to move out in january. me and elma are gonna rock it like no other!!!
went to opryland hotel to take pics. i used four rolls of film in one hour. then i went to eat. then i went to zeb's and watched rushmore. "HEY! its the guy from ER!!" "where's mr. tight jeans?" yea....and the "aerobic tangerine" anyways. zeb is awesome!