survey<- what i wanna do right now. so im doing it. :-D
LAYER ONE: On The Outside
- Name: Cassandra Lee O'Connell
- Nickname: Cassie, Cass, Aunda
- Birth date: november 27, 1989
- Birthplace: woonsocket, ri
- Current Location: millville, ma
- Eye Color: blue
- Hair Color: brown w/ blonde highlights
- Height: 5'6 1/4"
- Righty or Lefty: righty
- Zodiac Sign: sagitarious
LAYER TWO: On The Inside
- Your heritage: irish... german.
- The shoes you wore today: my slippers.
- Who you look like: my 'rents.
- Your weakness: warm chocolate cake w/ hot fudge and vanilla icecream.
- Your fears: witnessing the murder of a close person/family member
- Your perfect pizza: cheeeeeeeeese.
- Goal you'd like to achieve: make 100,000 dollars a year.
LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
- Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
- Your thoughts first waking up: i dunno. im groggy and dont think.
- Your best physical feature: i dont think i have one
- Your bedtime: i dunno, i cant wake up in the morning if i go to bed later than 11
- Your most missed memory: nap time
- Pepsi or Coke: def coke
- McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds [never been to burger king]
- Single or group dates: single, but groups are fun sometimes
- Adidas or Nike: nike
- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate ice cream vanilla cake
- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
- Smoke: no
- Cuss: ooooh yeah
- Sing: hah, constantly.
- Have a crush: of course
- Think you've been in love: nope
- Like high school: somewhat
- Want to get married: yes
- Believe in yourself: yes.
- Get motion sickness: nope
- Think you're attractive: eh, not so much
- Think you're a health freak: nope
- Get along with your parents: yep, some times
- Like thunderstorms: LOVE them.
- Play an instrument: no
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
- Drank alcohol: yea, but not to get drunk. to taste mommy's martini
- Gone to the mall: yuh huh
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no, dont really like 'em
- Eaten sushi: nope
- Been on stage: nope
- Gone skating: nope
- Gone skinny dipping: nope, not in the past month
- Dyed your hair: yep, like two weeks ago
- Stolen anything: no. i get scared. lol
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: i cant say i have.
- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope :)
- Been caught "doing something": yep. cutting my pants. lol.
- Been called a tease: oh yes ;D
- Gotten beaten up: nope.
- Shoplifted: nope.
LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
- Age you hope to be married: 24ish
- Numbers and Names of Children: two or more. depends on the hubby.
- Describe your dream wedding: too lazy. i'll tell you in person
- How do you want to die: painlessly and old
- What do you want to be when you grow up: news achor/ sportscaster
- What country would you most like to visit: italy or france
LAYER NINE: In a partner
- Best eye color: doesnt matter.
- Hair color: whatev
- Short or long hair: no longer than below the ears.
- Height: taller than me
- Weight: bigger than me, but noooooooooot too big.
- Best articles of clothing: jeans that fit the right way
LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
- Number of people I could trust with my life: uuh.. a few. three/four?
- Number of CDs that I own: no idear
- Number of piercings: two. and it'll stay at that.
- Number of tattoos: ZE-RO. i doubt i'll get one.
- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: eesh, a whole lot.
- Number of things in my past that i regret: i dunno... i dont htink anything really.