I very much admire your style. Would you be interested in submitting some poetry for a new zine out of Tampa Fl? Wont be several months till it's ready to print and there's no deadline yet. The first issue deals with late blooming coming of age disillusionment, lost ambition, or anything touching on the subject of anxiety about growing up or being grown up and not settled physically or mentally. Anything close to this works. Anyway, think about it. And great work you've got. Keep it up. :)
We're in the earliest stages of production now and we only recently decided to put this together, so you will have plenty of time to write more, and you definitely should. As far as which pieces might work, I read through your whole journal, and I'll have to talk to my partner about which ones would fit. Please send us anything else you think would fit. And anything new you come up with that might work. Or just your own personal favorites. Our e-mail is glean.us@gmail.com. Your creativity is welcomed eagerly. My name is Alan.
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