(no subject)

Mar 12, 2005 13:55

The Basic Stuff
Name?: Charissa
Age?: 17
Height?: 5'5"
Weight?: 105
Birthday?: May 5 1987
Birthplace?: Ashland, WI
Current Location?: Chatsworth, CA
School/Grade?: High school/11th
Zodiac Sign?: uhh..idk lol
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Rabbit (i think)
Righty or Lefty?: righty
Haircolor?: light brown
Eyecolor?: blue
Skin Color?: White

About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Mom, Dad, James, Danielle, & Me
Any Pets?: yep.
If So What Are They?: 3 dogs, 1 bird, and like 10 fish (they're my dad's)
Favorite Relative?: Amanda (my cousin)
Least Favorite Relative?: uhh..my brother and sister sometimes
What's Your Heritage/Race?: English/German/Scottish..and more..
Political Affilation?: dont know

Love & Sex
Sexuality?: Straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: no
If So, With Whom?:
For How Long?:
Are You In Love?: not at this moment lol
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: uhh not really
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: eww no
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: dont remember
Virgin?: yep
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?:^
Was It Enjoyable?: ..
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: hmm..
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: my lips..
Best Love Quote?: idk

Your Friends
Best Friend?: 1. Sabrina DUH!   2.Tiana
How Many Friends Do You Have?: alot..
More Guys Or Girls?: the same amount
Love Them All?: YES!!
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: im close to the ppl i want to be close to
Oldest?: Tiana
Newest?: Marco
Pen Pal?: uhh not have one

This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers.
Thongs or G-Strings?: hmm..both
Shorts or Pants?: Shorts & sometimes skirts
Shoes or Barefeet?: shoes
Books or Movies?: Movies.
Night or Day?: afternoon or night
Dark or Light?: Dark.
Mountains or Beach?: Beach.
Snow or Sun?: sun
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
Guys or Girls?: GUYS!!
Swim or Surf?: Surf (i want to learn lol)

For or Against
Gay Marriage?: Against
Abortion?: Against
Bush Getting Re-elected?: for
Suicide?: Against
War?: depends
Pants?: For.
Clothes In General?: Against haha jk i would rather you wear clothes
Penises?: for..

Color?: Piink
Number?: 3
Holiday?: Christmas  
Season?: Summer
Movie?: umm i have alot
Book?: dont read..
Magazine?: dont have one
Food?: PICKLES!!
Drink?: Coke
TV Show?: That's So Raven..i think
Song?: Candyshop or Just a lil bit..
Band?: umm
Computer Game?: The Sims
Video Game?: dont play video games
Anime/Manga?: no
Shirt?: hmm i have alot of favorite shirts..
Pants?: my LEI's (the light ones && the one Sabrina gave me)
Actor?: uhh..idk..
Actress?: Halle Barry
Singer?: ME..duh lol jk Celine Dion, J Lo, && my mom
Flower?: your mom lol jk..idk
Scent?: Glo by J Lo
Animal?: Dogs...my beagle
Cookie?: Chocolate chip.

The Future
Want To Go To College?: Yes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I'm going to be famous
Want To Get Married?: Yes
Want To Have Kids?: yes
What Would Their Names Be?: idk yet
How Many?: at least 2
Where Do You Want To Live?: California
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: umm i dont plan that far ahead
How Do You Want To Die?: in my sleep..&& painless

More Stuff About You
Piercings?: ears && belly button
Tattoos?: nope
Smoke?: No.
Drink?: ehh no
Do Drugs?: No.
Skinny Dip?: lol nope
Greatest Fear?: i dont like bugs but thats not my biggest fear..idk what is
Chocolate or Vanilla?: neither
Go To Church?: Yes i have to..my dads a pastor
Religion?: Christian
Scars?: lol i have alot..i was wild as a kid
CDs Owned?: to many
Collections?: lotion and perfume
Like To Be Naked?: only in the shower
Ever Eaten Sushi?: eww NO
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: not by myself
Been On Stage?: YES M'AM
Danced In The Rain?: probably
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: nope..well on the cheek
Weirdest Dream?: to long to explain but it took place at church lol
Best Dream?: uhh..dont have one
Saddest Dream?: when my dog died and when i woke up i found out that she really did..so idk if that was a dream or a vision
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: of me becoming famous
Think You're Attractive?: sometimes
Shoplifted?: hmm.
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: nope *knocks on wood*
Weirdest Makeout Place?: Toys R Us lol
Like Thunderstorms?: sometimes
Favorite Shoes?: Etnies
Favorite Quote?: "your mom" lol
Best Advice Given?: idk..
Worst Advice Given?: "just let it go.."
Favorite Song Lyric?: idk dont have one
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: idkk...
Glad This Is Over?: yea i kinda got bored of this half way through

mmkay comment
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