I apologize in advance if any of the following sounds stupid/doesn't make sense. I just came back from Starbucks and I'm so hyper I can barely stay still. 8D
About you -
Name: Veronica
Age: 14
Likes: food, candy, anime/manga, having fun, music, my friends/family, being able to dream, sleep... and stupidity. XD Hey, it amuses me.
Dislikes: prejudice/discrimination/racism/& all that jazz, close-minded people, people who are constantly copying others in every single thing, having to wake up when I would very much rather be sleeping, being hurt (both physically & emotionally), homework, but most of all - being BORED. DX
Strong points: I actually don't know, so I just asked my friend. She said I am... funny. -0- (Gahh, is that the best she can come up with? >w<) Well... *thinks hard* I'm really compassionate. When I was younger, I used to cry hysterically whenever I passed a beggar/homeless person on the street, and my mom would give them some money just to shut me up ^^;.
Weak points: No self control. >> If I'm sleepy during class, I can't stay awake. If I'm angered, chances are I won't be able to hold my temper. If I need to fart, I'll fart, no matter how hard I try to hold it in. If I see a really cute guy, I have this insane urge to either hug them or pinch their cheeks. So I either hug them or pinch their cheeks. (though if it happens to be the latter, they tend to avoid me T___T) If I have to laugh, I laugh.
Favorite music and movie genre: music = rock(punk and classic. But not anything too heavy)/movies = comedy and action.
Dreams/Goals: To become a successful manga artist. X3 And.. well.. generally just to live life so that when my time is up, I can say I've had my fun. And mean it. (kudos to anyone who identified those as the Lost Prophets lyrics :D)
This or That -
Mature or immature? Immature. And probably always will be. X3
Leader or follower? I'd lead if need be, but I prefer letting someone else carry the burden on their own shoulders.
Down to earth or head in the clouds? Head in the clouds when reality gets too boring. Otherwise, I'm a down to earth kind of person.
Glass half empty or half full? It all depends on the situation. If I was in a good mood, and see the glass, I'd say full. But if it's my morning Java (I'm really cranky in the mornings without caffeine ~_~) I'd be all "WTF WHO DRANK HALF MY GLASS?!"
Act on impulse, or think things through? I think things through, but end up doing something stupid anyway. ~_~
Outgoing or shy? Outgoing. Especially if my friends are involved.
Situation questions -
- You're stuck in the middle of nowhere with your friends, and your car stuck in the mud. What do you do? Keep optimistic, which tends to really annoy my friends (who are all pessimists). Annoy them to a point where they are desperate to get out of there and put their whole being into getting the car out of the mud. That's also how I get lots of people to do stuff for me. Nyahaha, don't you just envy my KICKASS manipulation skillz? But I digress~
- You've just been offered your dream job, one that you've been working towards for years, you'll never get an oppurtunity like this again..but the problem is that it's on the other side of the world away from your friends and family. Do you take it? Yes, definetely! My family will understand. And there's tons of ways to keep in touch with friends.
- You find a wallet on the sidewalk, filled with cash. What do you do with it? I'd take it. But then I'd feel so guilty I'd donate all the money to an orphanage or something. >__>
- Somebody has been giving your best friend a hard time at school, and he/she asks you for help. What action do you take? Beat them up X( or if I'm in a nice mood and don't think they matter enough to get me suspended I talk to them and try to get them to stop. If that doesn't work, then well, screw it - I return to plan A.
And please include one or two clear pictures of yourself. If you don't have any, just give a description.
Nuu, no pictures for mee. X(
Brown eyes, five foot something (too lazy to check right now...), black hair (with wine-reddish streaks that you can hardly see anymore). I'm Asian, if that helps at all.
Lastly, link at least 4 other unstamped applications you have voted on.
http://community.livejournal.com/flcl_rating/43044.html?view=272676#t272676y cuatro! (yeah, I have this thing for counting... ^^;)
http://community.livejournal.com/flcl_rating/42961.html?view=273105#t273105 So yeah. Rate meh! 8]