Matt just turned Ollie the Pig on. No, not like that. He flipped Ollie's switch and...oh that doesn't sound right either... but know what I mean. The pig oinked and trotted all over the house while Trent watched in amazement
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Ok, so I decided that livejournals are stupid, and I might not write in this anymore. But I just found something that I want to share with you because it's kind of funny, but really it's not. You know
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Who needs drugs when you have a Smokey the Bear costume? Felicia borrowed the costume from the forestry building so we could use it at work. We did use it at work. And Matt looked hilarious in it. So hilarious that we had to take him cruising around Elkins. You should have seen the expressions. Picture it now... Smokey's giant head sticking out of
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Here's something funny-but-not-so-funny-at-the-same-time. The Highlanders all got on a bus at 3 in the morning to go to a parade in D.C. They got there... they waited... the parade got delayed a couple hours... they waited... finally at 3 in the afternoon, the parade got canceled. Now they are back on their $1000 bus riding home
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