♔ » Any form of government except monarchy. Nothing else exists where she comes from.
♔ » Strangely enough, the concept of "royalty", or at least as we know it, seeing as in Fake Ancient China, rulers are chosen among the people by unicorns.
♔ » The relationship of sex and babies. Because in Fake Ancient China, babies grow on trees. This means that the term "pregnancy" and many things related to it are probably not even part of her vocabulary and will make her go "huhwhut". Strangely, sex does exist.
♔ » Sexism. Because the "babies grow on trees" thing has the following effect: women don't give birth, so they aren't automatically assigned to do the child-rearing, and are thus actually regarded as equally capable as men are. Thus, sexism is far less widespread in the twelve kingdoms than in our world, if it exists at all.
♔ » Most modern technology. She figured the basic functions of the communicator fast enough that means how to make voice posts, but other things might prove more challenging.