[The picture turns on. Shushou doesn't know it's on, but frankly, it doesn't care. Thus, you might get glimpses of her in the
fabulous suit she's wearing today. Her expression is serious.]
Recently, there has been a curse -- considering the sheer amount of children that were expected all of a sudden, I surmise that it was a curse -- in which many people thought they were going to have a child. Over the course of this, I discovered something baffling and a little horrifying.
It seems that, in other worlds, a baby grows within a person's body. For this, they have an additional organ called a "womb", in which the body grows. I am told it is akin to a ranka, an eggfruit. This organ also seems unique to women. Make of that what you will. The whole process is called a "pregnancy".
Needless to say, I was surprised. I mean, I heard about such things, over in Hourai... but I didn't think it was actually true. Well, to be honest, I didn't think much of it at all. But none of this makes any sense whatsoever! How does a baby get in someone else's body, anyway? And more importantly, how does it get out? I can't imagine that the body just bursts open for that purpose.
And now I wonder just how many of you meant that when they said they were going to be parents.
As fair is fair, a short introduction to how reproduction works in my homeworld: every community has at least one riboku, which is a life-bearing tree. These trees bear fruit which is called ranka, or egg-fruit, in which the new life grows for nine or ten months until it can be plucked. The riboku bears human children; in the wilderness, there are yaboku which bear the young of animals and the saplings of plants. A married couple ties a beautifully embroidered ribbon to a branch of the riboku and prays regularly. If the Heavenly King judges them as worthy of being parents, a fruit will grow where they tied the ribbon.
[And here, she places a very deliberate pause. You get another good eyeful of that suit.]
In other news, it seems my clothes have been replaced. I think it's safe to say that this is also a curse.
Where Babies Come From, as per Kurotsuchi Nemu. Now in the new Shushou edition. ♥ Also, wardrobe switch with Solomon Goldsmith!)