Leave a comment on this post and I will tell you a few reasons why I like you.
If I love you, watch out!! (Mais si je t'aime... prends gardes a toi!!)
Fleen xoxo
PS, hey
hannahbroom, why is it customary to link to the person you stole the meme off???
Comments 14
I like you coz you are friendly and easygoing and you have a "cool" vibe about you (I don't even think you realize you eminate it) that makes me kind of proud to be seen as your friend. You're easy to talk to about anything, you have a good sense of humour and you have fabulous coping mechanisms and ways of problem solving so that you always (eventually) come out on top. You're also quite attractive but I'd like you even if you weren't :-)
I like the way you challenge yourself - obviously the biggest and most obvious example of that is your running - you're a bit of an inspiration to me in that once you were the same size I am now and you found "your sport" and went with it. Now you can do amazing things - you take the time to commend yourself on your progress and then you're like "OK, what next?" You have a persistence and optimism about you when it comes to your art and career in general as well - you can handle setbacks and rejection but you stick with it. You're friendly (the ONE time I think I've actually met you) and down to earth and I'm sure you would be a lot of fun to hang with.
I tend to credit ppl I get memes from as a matter of interest - in case other ppl want to read more answers and what not.
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